Back atcha with more crazy dope graffiti alphabets from some style masta writers!
My name is Exist, I’m a Lebanese graffiti artist representing Beirut city (REK crew (Red Eye Kamikazis) – RBK crew (Rioting Bunch of klowns)
After spending some time with latin lettering thought I’d try the same process I use in latin, but doing Arabic letters as it’s my original language. Ive tried different styles, the form of Arabic letters and the shapes give a lot of possibilities, doing diverse stuff but at the same time it’s very difficult to maintain the logical form of the original letter and I find it pretty interesting to experiment with.
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Hi there, I’m Borse, SPRU’ crew, from the north of Italy. I like to draw very different stuff, but you know…letters are my first love! I think my style is pretty easygoing: bold letters, fat outlines, vibrant and dynamic with the classic iconic graffiti elements (arrows, stars, dots…) and other evergreen tricks to do the magic and to give the right final flavour
Follow BORSE on instagram
I suppose, as any other youngster, I had a spongy brain, everything seemed new, so, with playful naivety and without restraint, I shifted from style to style, technique to technique, not yet to find my own, but to understand what the heck is it all about. I wasn’t afraid of experimenting with shapes, colours, forms or letters. After I, arrogantly of course, thought some of the inspiration was exhausted, it came to me that I’ve taken the classic style and lettering approach for granted, and decided it was time to get into it. Soon, I discovered a new uncharted territory for myself, with many obstacles on the way. But, luckily, every new obstacle comes as a sweet challenge and a mission for me. That’s where the sketching comes in. It is the bigger part of the „problem solving“. I started using bigger formats of paper just so I could be more free with lines and movement on the surface while drawing, putting an accent to swing, different angles and positions of the letters. The comfort of bigger sketching area allowed me, after awhile, to separate one letter from another, leaving a lot of empty space in between, where style can breathe instead of being cramped and filled to the last bit. Dynamics are arranged not only from element to element, letter to letter, but the whole style versus the background. Same thing with colours, dark vs light, hot vs cold, you know, differences compliment each other.
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