Hey, what’s up everyone?
I write Ausk or Ausko depending on the day and the surface.
I paint out of Phoenix, AZ. Been in the painting game off and on since 2006.
Aside from graff, my whole life revolves around art between canvas work, illustrations, and automotive photography. Like most of us I just strive to create! There are so many influences in my life that have pushed me and helped me develop my styles and techniques. Serk is probably one of my biggest influences. I have always been drawn to a more evil style of painting with lots of textures. Serk is known not only by his organic styles in graffiti, but also a huge influence in the Bio tattoo world. With out his input and knowledge I wouldn’t be where I am today.
As I grow older it is hard to express the love and gratitude for all the people that have supported me as well as influenced my art, but here is a list of those I have to mention. First off, all the crews I share the privilege of calling family: HBM, WGS, TDR, VOK and 4SK. Not only have all these guys looked out for me in the past, but they all have made a huge impact in my personal life. I can’t thank them all enough.
All though there are many artists I’ve looked up to, these artists can’t go without mention because everyone of these guys has played some kind of role in my life: Salty, Ekose, Task TM, Geser, Besyk, Idea, Dirty Uncle Tame, Goer, Cupla, Meds, Payer, Shoe, Resa, Gryzm, Eaz, Selar, Teks, Savager, Typo, Does, Seak, Jason Vogt , Levi Weir, OGEE9, Hardlines, and many more that I’m sure I missed.
Live it, paint it, be about it!
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