Characters in graffiti are where its at! They add that lil extra something to a piece and can really bring together a production. We hit up some mad dope character writers and they gave us the low down on their work

Random Direction

I like to paint strange abstract characters that make people feel uncomfortable when they look at them. Things that make people stop and ask themselves “What the F&%K am I looking at?” Art should create a reaction. Whether it speaks to you, makes a political statement or when it comes to my work…just makes you feel weird. The monkey is my staple. He’s been around since the beginning.

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Hey whats up. i’m RIED from Indonesia. I like to draw things like character, graffiti, ect. I always makes a different character with the same style. I want everyone know about my creation from my own style not from my name.

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Sebastien Walker

I have a compelling interest in urban art that has ultimately brought me back to the cartoon world I grew up admiring. I create my own idiom within a childlike iconography, giving it a more adult twist. My creations appear to be for children, but in fact address adult subject matters.

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Max Sansing

I used to do a lot of letters so when I switch to doing characters I shared them to have the same color intensity and improvisation as letters. I like to paint people who represent a subset in society but in extra-ordinary form. I’m looking forward to get more deeper with colors in the future.

Follow Max Sansing on instagram
