I write CMON, MW CREW. Coming from Majorna, in Gothenburg, Sweden. Came into contact with graffiti 93, when my friend HOSE showed me what it was. Between 95-96, I had already bombed a lot, then I started getting into painting, but I would like to describe myself more as a bomber than a painter when I was young. I have also had several breaks from it over the years. In 2010, HOSE got me back to it and I started painting more seriously, and have since kept developing my style. My crew, was at first, only a crew we wrote in school. We called us MAJORNA WARRIORS.(MW) Around the same time I came into contact with SMAK who had started MOST WANTED, I joined them and are still burning for it. MW is today a 21 year old crew. Graffiti was a big part of the culture in my neighborhood and therefore there were also many good writers who inspired me. SARG, PRIZE and DUDES to name a few. I would like to describe my style as clean yet developed style from the early 90’s. For me, graffiti is about good-looking letters with good lines and nice flow, not on good fills and backgrounds. Unfortunately, my city is infected with “hipster graffiti”, the more ugly, the more “cool” you are. Places where it was lovely paintings in the 90’s have today been replaced by fast shit, toys that are being proclaimed as kings. For more of CMON’s work click here Follow CMON in instagram |