Doe – Born and raised in Germany, Ruhrpott a well-known area in the west of Germany. The city I grew up was nearby Dortmund. First contact with graff through my older brother. He already was listening to hiphop music and was tagging, that was about 1995. He introduced me to it and explained me the basics:-)
He gave me a graff magazine from Berlin,called overkill which completely blew my mind. I was so impressed by the works of certain writers like AMOK, POET,SHEK,SOME, JAY,PHOS4 just to name a few, that I sat there sketching all day and night to improve and become as good as them (of course it took years and tons of paper:-)).
A bit later I’ve seen STYLEWARS which also was a mind blowing movie, guess I’ve seen that movie 30times or more..
After that graffiti completely began to dominate my everyday life.
When I wasn’t sketching, I was out on my bike to make pictures of the graffitis around my town and neighborhood or doing some little tags with markers.

To me graffiti was so interesting at that time, because i didnt understand to do it, who did it etc. it was a bit mysterious…and I really like that about it.
Nowadays sometimes it botheres me because it became too normal and sometimes it is too much to see so many pieces via internet. Thats why I like magazines more..

Basically i like to test out new and fresh color combinations and working on my letters. I like it when the letters are a combination of sharp and round elements and when the letters have a certain flow and are moving.
Today I really like also the atmosphere / surrounding where I paint my piece,thats why i do like abandoned places a lot..

All that combined with traveling I really love about it. It took me the last 20 years to so many nice places in the world and I met so many good and nice people/writers that to me this is one of the best parts about it.

—It´s nice to be important, but it´s more important to be nice
Stay hungry and humble
Doe „Travellin Men“

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