Detroit is seeing the most gentrification in years, abandoned buildings are coming down, new structures are being built and the weather changes by the minute. But there’s one thing that remains constant, even with the mayors revenge towards graffiti. Writers are still hitting the streets. Other options are bandos; whether old factories or panels on abandoned houses. They’re are out there for those searching for someplace new to paint.
This group of pictures features the work from the following writers found in all different parts of Detroit: Elmer, Konqr, Shock, Amoe, Sohoe, Whas, Dems, Tead, Pack, Meloh, Gash, Yogrt, Shock, Kias, Droid907, Four Eyes, Zuer, Liquid, Party, Sew, Ridle, Feis, Touch907.
Words and photos by @_attn_g3tr