I write Faso or Fasol. I’m from the Kaohsiung city, south side of Taiwan. My crew is NDC, No Detail Crew. and Mess-Age studio.
Sometime I write Chinese letters”肥碩” with different styles, the sound is the same as faso, but it means stout. I think this is interesting for the local residents when they see the Chinese graffiti and speak it.
My first graffiti is was in 2003 or 2004, I try to paint something on street, underpass, and school wall. But I started seriously to study the history, style, and kept writing on the street, in about 2014.
My style is influenced by DZUS and EASY, first-generation writers in my hometown. and my crew- NDC, all members- BABU,GINZ,MISSN,DSTR,COES,4SP,BOKS.
There are some Malaysian writers who also influence me, letters and characters are very fascinating for me . CLOAKWORK,NESTWO,SIEK27,ASMOE,JEFR,KENJI…and more.
Let’s write, that’s right.
For more of FASO’s work click here
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