I write FASO1 or FASOL,
from Kaohsiung city, south side of Taiwan.
NDC (No Detail Crew) is my first crew when I started writing.
my first graffiti is was in 2003 or 2004, I try to paint something on street, underpass, and school wall. not so many information about graffiti in Taiwan, we just copy the style from magazines.
but seriously started to study the history, game rule, style, and paint with other writers is about 2014.
my style is influenced by DZUS and EASY when I begin, they are first-generation writers in my hometown. some Malaysian writers who also influence me, like SIEK27, NESTWO, The ones that influenced me the most were my NDC crew members, and the city vibe of Kaohsiung. have a big road and chill spot, friendly residents, warm weather…
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