Fish – I’m originally from Toulouse in the south of France. I’ve discovered graffiti around 1994, but I started to write more seriously 5 years later. My first influencers were the older writers from my city: Soone, Sike, Tilt, Ceet, 2Pon, Reso.
I am currently part of two crews: TN and TWP.
Very quickly, my taste for a more “out of the box”, a more liberated graffiti started to show. Basically, I tried to break with the traditional codes.
Travelling, music and the constant search of freedom in life as in painting are shaping my writing. I like writing on different media and in out of the ordinary spots.
I am trying to create my own artistic universe, even if I am inspired by a lot of artists: too many to mention them all here.
One last word : stay passionate !
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