Not y’all aware of my past. But since I got back into painting about a lil’ less than 3 years ago I managed to try a lot of different spray brands. Just like women, all brands have a lil’ sumthing I dig about them. But I must confess: The Flame Blue and I got a lil’ love story going on ever since we met…
It started with a one night fling, but just like a one night stand, you never get the full experience and usually, a one night isn’t has enjoyable as a partner you get down with on the regular. (You can read my first experience with flame).
So yo, this my love story, it’s personal to me. Not saying it outclasses any other brand out there. In the end, it’s just something you get to appreciate over time no matter what. It’s just a bond you create. Even if at first glance something better might be out there…or not.. But right now Flame is my girl. Love you baby! Who knows maybe I’ll end up buyin’ her a ring! hahaha! Oh and we are in an ‘’open relationship’’ so feel free to give her try. She’s a good time!! Like I said earlier sharing is caring.