So I’ve been mainly using Molotow Flame Blue paintfor the past year. I figured, after all the great experiences I had with it – The least I could do is to write up a short review and let y’all know about it. ‘Cause sharing is caring!

Not y’all aware of my past. But since I got back into painting about a lil’ less than 3 years ago I managed to try a lot of different spray brands. Just like women, all brands have a lil’ sumthing I dig about them. But I must confess: The Flame Blue and I got a lil’ love story going on ever since we met…

It started with a one night fling, but just like a one night stand, you never get the full experience and usually, a one night isn’t has enjoyable as a partner you get down with on the regular. (You can read my first experience with flame).

Over time we hooked up again. The more I spent time with her the more I got hooked. She pleases me well. Flame is easy going, has a colorful personality and brightens up my days that’s fo’ sho! Just like a good girlfriend, she’s always down to play. She is clean, reliable and feels great. The smoothness feel she got is just euphoric. She isn’t perfect, but her small flaws don’t outweigh her great qualities. Every time we go out, she always surprises me with new experiences and the results make me want to spend more good times with her! Good weather, bad weather, she gets down regardless. She loves to get naughty on tracksides, rooftops spots, and those dark alley ways at night too! 

She never gets old. Constantly, she lives up to my high standards. She manages to surprise me here and there (new colors) but most of all she never chokes on me (Clog). I don’t have time to waste. When I go out to spray my time is precious. So I need a high end quality product that will not bail out on me! Nahh meannnnnnn! Never ever, has a Flame Blue paint bailed on me. I ain’t into high maintenance drama queens! Same thing goes for my spray. This baby is always ready to go. Real talk. On top of that, I’ve had some half full cans lying around and just like a good gf is; after not seeing her for months once you get back in action with her she is just as great. That being said, like any relationship there are down sides and always room for improvement. But I am willing to deal with that and I know time will make it worthwhile!!*Confession: Am not 100% faithful to her. But she is much more than a side bitch!

So yo, this my love story, it’s personal to me. Not saying it outclasses any other brand out there. In the end, it’s just something you get to appreciate over time no matter what. It’s just a bond you create. Even if at first glance something better might be out there…or not.. But right now Flame is my girl. Love you baby! Who knows maybe I’ll end up buyin’ her a ring! hahaha! Oh and we are in an ‘’open relationship’’ so feel free to give her try. She’s a good time!!  Like I said earlier sharing is caring.

Thank me later.
*Hope no feminist police come arrest me after reading this. it’s all fun and no disrespect is meant towards women in this article. ‘spect!

