Burners and bombs coming at you hot! Big ups to all those who submitted pics, and remember to keep sending us your pics through our website under the upload pictures button! Platon/SNUZ / Athens, GR / Walls50332159627_edbe3559d3_kKeloPT / New York / Walls20200815_015419PropPT / New York / Bombing20200813_134237PhenoPT / New York / Bombing20200813_134218@bublegumsr / Barcelona / WallsTOPOE / Miami / Wallsimg_20200913_213107_895TOPOE / Miami / Wallsimg_20200830_203415_434Violent / Kota Bharu / Wallsimg_5082turie / Paris, FR / Wallsturie / Paris, FR / Wallsturie / Paris, FR / Wallsturee / Paris, FR / BombingDispel / Los Angeles / WallsDispel / Los Angeles / WallsDispel / Los Angeles / WallsMicro 79 / Newcastle upon Tyne / WallsEcks / Adelaide / FreightsBorg / Reno / Wallsimg_20200803_125231_332Narow PC ITS / Chicago / Wallsimg_7671GOSR one / Newcastle upon Tyne / WallsMoi / New York / Walls20200821_182917Sine / New York / Walls20200821_182912Soze / New York / Walls20200821_182827Barne / New York / Walls20010105_114056Saet / New York / Walls20010105_114038 Comments