Here’s the heat this week in the Flicks of the Week! Big ups to all you guys dropping some skills and for sending us these pics, keep ’em coming! SWAMP SUPERCREW / Bucharest / Wallsxyz_5497SWAMP / Bucharest / Wallsdsc_1358SWAMP / Bucharest / Wallsdsc_0920SWAMP SUPERCREW / Bucharest / Wallscsc_1029Nyke / Chicago / Freights20170704_180652Nyke / Chicago / Freights20170211_163125Nyke / Chicago / Freights20170122_123201Rune / Wallsmontaggio_qc2010Rune / Vignola / Wallsimgp1960Rune / Vignola / WallsRune / Sassuolo / Wallsimg_2675Rune / Castelnuovo Rangone / Wallsimg_3310Rune / Castelnuovo Rangone / Wallsimg_3596Rune & Grom / Castelnuovo Rangone / WallsRune & Grom / Castelnuovo Rangone / WallsMICROE TNS/BTC / Newcastle upon Tyne / WallsmicroePYRO CMS / Denver / Bombing10363560_765779326847252_9213074701241174511_nPYRO CMS / Dubai / BombingdubaiPYRO CMS / Denver / WallsluigiNEVS / Marikina / WallsNEVS / Marikina / WallsInuk / London, GB / Wallsimg_9386SMOE / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4076SNEK / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4074SHAME / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4073MOOCH / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4072NOWR / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4071RUIN / Syracuse / Wallsimg_4065Cunicuns / Bekasi / Street Artimg_5273Cunicuns / Bekasi / Street Artimg_5006trs / Athens, GR / Wallsimg_3308Narow PC / Chicago / Wallsnarow_cyfn_pc_08Narow PC / Chicago / Wallsimg_6903Jynx / Chicago / Wallsimg_7013Repos / Chicago / Wallsimg_7012Inuk / London, GB / Freightsimg_9295Hack / Providence / Wallsimg_2025Turdl / Portland, ME, US / Wallsimg_1930Hack / Nashua / Bombingimg_1847Drek / Fredericia / Freightsdsc01429Drek / Fredericia / FreightsDrek / Fredericia / FreightsDrek / Fredericia / FreightsDrek / Fredericia / FreightsDrek / Fredericia / Freights Comments