And here we are to end off 2018 with the last Flicks of the Week! Thank you everyone who contributed this past year and we are very hyped to see what you guys have in store in the new year! Scope EDC / New Haven / WallsNvest / Albuquerque / WallsDoms / Albuquerque / WallsRock loon doms / Albuquerque / Walls20180513_131306Nvest rock / Albuquerque / Walls20180513_131330Narow PC UEMF / Chicago / Wallscyfn_pilsenNarow PC UEMF / Miami / Walls48059174_10213088066304371_5840527027110674432_nNarow PC UEMF / Walls45282969_10212836172367180_6547197499768045568_nLeks PC / Chicago / Walls44989844_10212800503835489_4030870311019741184_nGreve DC5 / Chicago / Walls44959235_10212800504435504_7875282201795887104_nNarow PC UEMF / Chicago / Walls44948358_10212800503755487_9126795986352472064_nNarow PC UEMF / Athens, GR / Walls42464765_10212585865029653_5444790956660359168_nTones GFR / Athens, GR / Walls42408262_10212585867909725_3328394062905475072_nNarow PC UEMF / Chicago / Walls41477482_10212488961887135_944260336825925632_nWerm / Chicago / BombingLabrat PC / Chicago / Walls45027282_10212800504315501_6234957620776534016_n Comments