I started writing when I was 12 and found the name Chuck (Chuk) when I was 14, and always keep a bunch of side names that have changed alot over my 17 or so years of writing. Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio and spent some of my more formidable years living in Baltimore, Maryland. I grew up looking up to a lot of local legends to Columbus, Cas (wands), Sifer, Jek, Esk and my OG Dell / Deler who put me down in 4c Crew. My older brother Wreks and my OG Nusr who put me in AS crew really helped me find my style amongst there’s at a young age. I was always immensely inspired by NSF crew prior to getting put down, writers like Curve, Remix, Necske, MFone and Soviet. Moving to Baltimore enriched my piecing style immensely and pushed me toward painting freights. Baltimore cultivated so many lifelong friendships becoming a part of NSF and KPG crews, painting along side legends and peers. I always find myself being drawn back to these 90’s east coast styles, heavy overspray, big 3D, weaving connections with fadey fills. Jase, Mask, Arek, Daver, Super, Metasin and a ton of other old school Baltimore heads really inspired a lot of what the younger KPG writers are producing with a sort of contemporary twist. Living back in Columbus the past few years I have started really fusing a lot of the history of both Baltimore and Ohio into a sort of B & O style I find very true to myself and my place in the graff world.


Chuckske NSF KPG 4C AS

Follow Chuk on Instagram @nothingwasthesam
