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The Herbal Remedy Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Car2nist, Dec 29, 2004.

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  1. dubbed

    dubbed Senior Member

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    the fuck is wrong with you? "maybe cause I talk about it openly", ya keep doing that. talk about shit that could get you in prison because of only a few grams.
  2. SALVO

    SALVO Elite Member

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    I had a great spanish teacher in high school junior year. I used to always go off campus with my friends and smoke tons of weed every lunch and then go to spanish class when the break was over. I used to always goof around in his class and would just crack jokes the whole time, I didn't take it very seriously. He knew I was getting high sometimes he would ask me in spanish infront of the class if I "fumar". But he was cool about it he told me he knew I was smoking on my lunch break and just said "You should wait till after school to smoke." Nice guy.
  3. realtalk

    realtalk Senior Member

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    lol stfu youngin. where the fuck u live where a couple grams would get u in prison? keep thinkin that an stay sketched out 24/7. Faggot.
  4. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    lol. that song

    Add water to your butter recipe to keep it from burning, look for English style butter it has a higher fat content, if a possibility use a crock pot and slow cook it on low for 24 hours stirring every hour.
    Talk openly about your mm use, but do it in a responsible respectable manner and you'd be surprised who starts to listen. I do it all the time.

  5. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    So would I be bold in saying that I'm guessing none of you guys toked up with any of your teachers? lolz Well it wasn't when I was a student but a while after. I'm in a collective looking over the selection, when I hear " Mr S......s I see you havnt change much." I turned around to see my physics teacher from high school. we shoot the shit he bought me a hash rip and I returned the favor and we parted ways. You never know who tokes and enjoys the herbs.
    I hate when i see people say don't talk openly about your herb smoking. Why? I look at them and say you know its ideas like that that have kept mm use illegal. If everyone who uses/used talked openly about it, there would not be so much stigma related to it. Open your minds and your mouths if its something you believe in.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
  6. dubbed

    dubbed Senior Member

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    with an eighter thats a distribution charge. a few of those will get you fucked.
    ya i over exaggerated abit, but i just think its dumb to put your business out there like that.
    you tell your teachers that you write?

    same shit, both illegal, some people are cool with it but most people are not

    but whatever do what you want
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2010
  7. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    where do you live that 3.5 grams is distribution?
  8. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    lol@prison for a couple grams you must have me fucked up. i don't think a simple possession charge of any drug will get you prison. shit, i know this bitch who got caught with x pills, soft, hard, and weed, and for all of those combined she got 9 months.
  9. FOCUS1

    FOCUS1 Senior Member

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    ***** where the fuck do YOU live at?
    if you get caught with the white on you out here, its attempted murder.
  10. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    there's no way that's forreal. i've heard all those myths before and seen them busted in front of my eyes many times. if that is real though that's fucked up.

    got a half oz of some stinky sour bud last night and started off the day right today. my friend called me and woke me up at around noon and picked up a blunt on the way over. when he got here he bought a g and threw it down and i threw down about 1.5 and we proceeded to smoke a blunt immediately followed by 2 fat bowls all while watching curb your enthusiasm and not getting off the couch. then we went out to a headshop on another side of town and he ordered a new ashcatcher for his tsunami, and i picked up some elements papers to see how they work. so far my main complaint is the gum doesn't always stay stuck, but they burn slow as fuck.

    also, i kept my bong at my friends' house for a while cause it got more use there, and i was almost always guaranteed to get smoked out every time i went over there, but a couple days ago, one of them knocked it off a coffee table and broke it. i always did my best to keep it off small tables while i was there, but this time i wasn't there to say something. the kid who did is was nice enough to order a new bong, no matter how much it cost to find one like it.

    old one:
    View attachment 584132
    View attachment 584133
    View attachment 584134

    new one that was just ordered:
    [Broken External Image]:
  11. Mr. Girbic

    Mr. Girbic Senior Member

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    Smoked real G-13. Shit has a stink like no other
  12. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    ya. Iive had the pleasure of having a source on lemon g-13 flower and wax for a while one of m fave daily meds.
  13. PeeInTheShower

    PeeInTheShower Elite Member

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    i live in broward. the bitch had a good lawyer, i'll give her that, but she got caught with 5 blue playboys, 2 grams of coke, a big ol cookie, and a little bit more than a half ounce of chronic. i think what happened was that she went in front of the judge crying about how she's addicted to drugs when in reality she was just pumpin the shit out her crib for a while... and im pretty sure she was on her way to go serve up everything she had on her...
  14. crailtap

    crailtap Senior Member

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  15. FOCUS1

    FOCUS1 Senior Member

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  16. NiL

    NiL Elite Member

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    Lmao whatever man. The guy is cool it's not like a fucking school. He drinks and probably smokes, shit the way he talks about it. Oh and I told him this morning when I came to class late that I got fucked up last night and he said atleast you're honest and I went home cause I couldn't be fucked.
    Cool teacher.
  17. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    yah i had a high school teacher like that listen to good ass music we would exchange music for the whole period at times instead of learning cinematography he would put a track on and after i would so on and so forth.
  18. Tokenkaligreens

    Tokenkaligreens Elite Member

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    i know that many of you may not have lost anyone today but alot of us did, if you find the time and are burning one burn it for those that caNt be with us todayy, cuz I konw I WILL. I LOVE YOU AND WILL NEVER FOR GET YA ALWAY IN MY HERAT. ONE LOVE. PEACE
  19. MAST

    MAST Elite Member

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    respect. this bowl is for everyone that was lost 9 years ago. rest in power
  20. lakim shabazz

    lakim shabazz Moderator

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    Peace to the physicals frames.
    your living amongst the ether now joe