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The Intermediate Thread

Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by (SoS)Viruz, Mar 14, 2009.

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  1. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    you know that reminds me, what ever happened to plankton? he was funny. and that flatskank guy, that guy was the epitome of this forum for a while…
    i know you love my input, deep down you are like, fuck yea, he's a genius. you'll come to a full realization about it someday.

    can you make me a moderator? i think i can really give back to the community.

    no body else is posting, i think we should change this to a chat thread, its more active than the real chat thread.
    the venom and dankbudz chat thread, vip only.
  2. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    let me in plz dankbudz?
    I'll post something if it makes me vip </3 plz i wanna b kool 2
    photo (1).JPG
  3. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    yeah, i miss lord plankton, flatskank (who evolved faster than anyone ever), zookyook, wgone, crackula, nose2, fury, ribcage, druid, so many fun heads hehehe
    everyone knows you're the genius round here dank. you da baws.
    but no mods for you! it has nothing to do with my point anyway lol

    proper shit as always milder
  4. Mildstyles

    Mildstyles Elite Member

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    hey colors was on that list too right what a fag

    thanks tho :D
  5. bugs-one

    bugs-one Elite Member

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  6. SuburbanTurban

    SuburbanTurban Elite Member

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    nice bugs that looks dope

    birmer id say take it a few steps back and work on letter structure but thats just my opinion

    dono if this can be here buts its worth a shot.
    3d on S messed up and i dono if i should fill in those square things in the S with a bevel type fill and do the same on the E or what. any crits/ideas would be cool. second one is just the entry for a battle
    IMG_0537.JPG IMG_0508.jpg
  7. Haint

    Haint New Member

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    Hey all.. So some preface first. I'm old.. Like 40. I used to bomb in the early 90's in high school. I was awful and didn't care. I have stunningly awful shit still riding in my hometown, 20 years later..and it's fucking embarrassing. I quit fucking with Graf for about 20 years except occasional hands and hollows on our skateboard ramps and shit. I'm not sure I qualify as intermediate yet.. I've only been back at the black book for a year or so and trying to learn new styles and flows mostly on my own. I still borrow heavily at times from other writers, as it seems the best way for an old toy to learn new tricks and expand. I'm still only hitting paper and smaller paintings, I wanna come out and be solid from the launch.. Not trying to take up public space with bullshit, ya know? I'm at a point where I feel I gotta open myself to criticism.. So here's what I've been doing recently. Hope this is the right spot for this post.. Kick me back to baby toys if it's just some weak bullshit, but I'm burning 1000s of sheets of paper and some years to get to this point. I'm working for it, it doesn't come natural. Appreciate anything y'all got to say.. Respect a great many of you dudes' work.

    I can't sort why this ipad posts shit all sideways sometimes. Sorry about yer neck... And my techno dumb.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2015
  8. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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  9. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    ^ That bottom one is super heavy duty tough work.
  10. IbuprofenTablets

    IbuprofenTablets Banned

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  11. Lich

    Lich Senior Member

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    ibu i feel like ur letters arent flowing. like the O and E are rounded and have a throw kind of look, but your L and part of your M have a block type style.
  12. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    yeah too much difference in styles within one same piece. sometimes you can pull off a nice piece with each letter in a different style. but it has to be reaaallllllyyyy well done.
    anyway, my advice is to stick to simple letters for the first while, then gradually flexing as you develop.
  13. bugs-one

    bugs-one Elite Member

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  14. IbuprofenTablets

    IbuprofenTablets Banned

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  15. Arose.One

    Arose.One Elite Member

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    @ibu if you filled in the bottom of the m by extending the lines that gotem the middle bar downwards to a sharp point it would work, but you'd have to make the fill really nice
  16. IbuprofenTablets

    IbuprofenTablets Banned

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    Last edited: Mar 22, 2015
  17. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    Your throwups are excellent.

    [Broken External Image]:https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd...._=1437389233_808d3e682a54204b02bf29af401f02a5

    exchanges for the homies

    spent about 5 cans and 30-40mins on the spaz and 3 cans and about 10mins on the eps
    ended up loving the eps and hating the spaz
    I learned that artistic instinct and body flow is much more effective and important than calculated and well thought out movements while painting. And most that flow practice comes from big throwups.
    Therefore, i deduced that throwups are essential to flow. live to learn another day i guess...
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
  18. Siro_

    Siro_ Senior Member

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    Recent pieces. What do you guys think?

  19. Fube

    Fube Elite Member

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    Same crying since I left this forum it seems. It's not 1985, if you can buy paint do it... you just get caught and charges put on you... then I bet you rat heads who gave you a chance.

    Just noticed there is a new page haha so the above seems incredibly random... oooh well

    Any oldies out there that remembers me?
  20. ven0m

    ven0m or Phat2

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    yemen. whatup