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Bringing respirators bombing

Discussion in 'Tools and tips' started by Matthew0420, Aug 2, 2015.

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  1. Wastelandwolves

    Wastelandwolves Senior Member

    • Messages: 187
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    Home depot in canada doesnt sell respirators -_-
  2. Con311

    Con311 Member

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    As with anything bombing wouldnt you want something not too flashy? Maybe some earthen colored masks? Correct me if im wrong
  3. loonaii

    loonaii Elite Member

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    U guys serious? Gonna wear a respirator when bombing lmao might as well wear a bright pink shirt with your throw up on it while your at it. And I doubt any of you paint enough to feel the effects of paint.
  4. Gengar

    Gengar Member

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    Feel like a respirator should only be used when you aren't trying to draw attention or actually allowed to hit a spot lol.
  5. E35

    E35 Member

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    Here's how it goes if you @are" painting and do it enough you will need a good "vapor" rated resperator. As said above dust masks will pretty much do nothing. But since you are only playing with black paint at the time I can't imagine you will be laying it down enough to cause a big cloud. Here comes the butt...if you when you start to get more proficient and use more paint than you will need one. I use one while painting canvases in the backyard but not as often while out on the prowl.