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Discussion in 'Battle Forum' started by bugs-one, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. DBZultima

    DBZultima Senior Member

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  2. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    Got more arrows then letters
  3. Kaps2

    Kaps2 Elite Member

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    I did the wrong word like urban...

  4. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    You got 3d were it don't belong and missing 3d were it should be you fixed it and it's still not right
  5. Kaps2

    Kaps2 Elite Member

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    Ok thanks, its kind of hard for me to know exactly where to put the 3d...
  6. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    I was talking to urban but yeah the top of your h could use some and inside your c . Also you follow the curve right but the white lines shouldn't follow the curve they should stay parallel to the 3d it's self
  7. URBAN1

    URBAN1 Banned

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    Maybe I should do like, a chapped asshole in the center of the "a" with it squirting shit out on on LB....
  8. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    I would love that . Don't get but hurt tho. I was just telling you what was wrong with to help you when you go fix it for the 10th time
  9. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    The inside the a, the bottom line of the a ,the inside the h , the triangle on the c . And the do dad that makes the s a f needs 3d . Also the top of the h 3d wouldn't be as fat cuZ it parallel to the 3d
  10. aerosole1125

    aerosole1125 Senior Member

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  11. skrit.

    skrit. Senior Member

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    Not voting yet
  12. URBAN1

    URBAN1 Banned

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    This is my entrance


    Last edited: Jan 10, 2019
  13. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    Tough, in the end would choose none as they each kind of disqualify themselves.

    Urban's might come closest, but an F that's really an S is a fail IMO. Same with that Skrit A= Q.

    THEILL's is pretty tight but not feeling that C blocking the h at all. Bar from the C should run right into that bar from the h, or C should hug h more like Urban's. Would have kept the E the same thickness as the rest.

    DBZ, too bunched up to where your letters lose definition, especially the c-h and f-e.

    Kaps less scrunch on your letters so they don't cut each other off as much, and that 3d is jacked. Maybe better to the right on that one.

    Gane looking plain, needs 3d at least to add dimension.
  14. Theillfunkfreaka

    Theillfunkfreaka Elite Member

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    That's a whole lot of talking to have no piece of your own to back it up. But I'm sure you have a good excuse for that
  15. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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  16. zoup

    zoup Elite Member

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    your crits are accurate, but saying shit like "in the end would choose none as they each kind of disqualify themselves." makes you sound like a used condom. Is it so hard to give people crits without saying some dumb shit like that lol. Voting is on the 11th goddamn dog lol
  17. aerosole1125

    aerosole1125 Senior Member

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    alright ima try to vote on this one but im not used to comin to the battle forum
  18. Kaps2

    Kaps2 Elite Member

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    Urban GMV thanks for the BT heart.
  19. Ray of Today

    Ray of Today Elite Member

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    I didn't rape anyone in here so let's not anyone try to act butt hurt. "...crits are accurate but." There is no but, if it's accurate it's accurate. Didn't hate on anyone.

    Could kind of care less, Really come on here to see graf pix and the site has gone to shit, stopped in here to play your game and give you guys an extra vote.

    I could be a used condom. But by comparison, some people here might be that unused condom that's sat in a pocket or wallet so long that the shape of the ring has worn away on the wrapper.

    Was not paying attention, the Pesk is cool in many ways but at the same time it's not half ass, only half lettered? Don't know if it was him or someone else I saw who does a lot of outlines that get cut off. How are you going to paint a wall like that? You have to use your space better. I don't understand everything going on around the F, IMO fucks up the flow. Is that a goat or bull? If it's a bull I would have made a more raging bull using some of your clouds/outer to express that as well. If a goat I would do same but Satan it up some. Overall I like it, kind of like Cycle meets Tyke. He does have the best presentation, you could paint that shit straight up as a B&W and it would still be tight. Guess he wins, eh?
  20. PeskDos

    PeskDos Elite Member

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    Thanks for the feedback, nothing wrong with overlapping letters besides the letters are VERY noticeable and it gives the piece a little depth imo and to be fair its a 5x8 book not a wall. Not a bull just the letter A .. anyways thanks for the idea with the outer I think that would be dope. If u really want to play join the battle. again thanks.