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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

    • Messages: 1,170
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    I'm just talking shit back, you disrespected me first without offering anything else, no crits, nothing. You been drawing the same fucking letters forever, how about drawing something new. It's literally the same piece everytime with you, no variety having stale ass hoe. One small ass letter and the rest of the letters get bigger each letter or you work off the bottom of the page, weak shit. Suck a fat one pie
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  2. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    Pencil . sketch . draw out line first then color after black drys but crayolas bleed . cant blame the tools tho .
  3. FKR75

    FKR75 New Member

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    ASOHLE Member

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    I actually put colour on something to test out some chalk markers and metallic sharpies. I’m too scared to waste paper in my new book.

  5. Matt Wrigh

    Matt Wrigh Elite Member

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    Dont be afraid to work in your Blackbook homie!!! I will tell you that there is def. more trash in my books than quality pieces! Your blackbook should be a place to experiment with diff. styles, concepts, and color schemes. The great thing about a Blackbook is you dont have to show anybody whats inside if you choose not to. My books are full of half finished pieces and very rough sketches. Often times I just want to get a rough concept out of my head onto paper so that I can revisit it another time. I have found that as I progress, I still revisit things that I abandoned years ago as trash and use them for new pieces often times in ways that are completely diff. from the original ideas I had for them. Maybe you should also consider doing a seperate "Piecebook" if you want somewhere to showcase your skills. Either got to get in that Blackbook regularly and experiment, push boundaries, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

    ASOHLE Member

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    Thankyou for the encouragement. I guess I’m hesitant because I’m looking from my wallets perspective. Nuff of that shit.
  7. SUG

    SUG Elite Member

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    Dollar stores are where its at... some have simple blackbooks for cheap, use that as idea/trash book and the other for the good stuff. And if you like a drawing in the trash book, rip it out and stick it in the back of your other book
  8. Matt Wrigh

    Matt Wrigh Elite Member

    • Messages: 553
    • Likes Received: 735 could even grab a ream of computer paper for CHEAP. Thats like 200 pages for less than $5. I often use that if I have something to put down but dont have a book with me. I just throw the loose pages in a folder and its sort of like another Blackbook!
  9. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    Awh your feelers hurt then huh? You're upset cuz I called out an entire page in the big boys thread for being toy as shit and you took it personal. Here I'll trim my balls so you can put a lil hair on your chest

    Asole you're doing good, just fuckin send it dawg. You'll never like what you do until you know you're dope
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
  10. gumOnShoe

    gumOnShoe Elite Member

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    Whatever junkhead, go shoot up and pass out in a pool of your own piss or whatever junkheads do. You talk shit, get dissed back, that simple. youre definitely no one special so i wont cut you any slack, cause your pieces are garbage so is your tag and throw, and you dont even write. Youre a cornball. why are you still drawing the little wackass pieces if youre not even gonna paint anything? Whats the point, have people on here call you dope? Most of these kids are doing the same thing you are though, just drawing in their blackbook like a herb.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2020
  11. IlikePie

    IlikePie Elite Member

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    I'm uhhh, yeah bro I'm sober. 1 month deep and not stoppin. And admittedly I don't paint as much as I'd like, but that's what growing up does, that and dealing with legal shit and rehab. And again, I didn't say shit to you specifically, if you're upset that you grouped yourself with all the toys posting in the blackbook thread, that's on you bud. Kys lil baby bitch boy.
  12. Andy B

    Andy B Senior Member

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    I get the dollar composition books to use a lot. Try those out for scratching out sketches. But the other guys are right. Try different styles and techniques out. Most of what I do is garbage, but I keep at it. Just practice and try to stay fluid. I'm too old to get out and hit the streets anymore, so its just sticking to the books for me. Get up, get out, and stay safe.
  13. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    Nigga said kys
    Dont you know you cant say that shit no more on the interwebs lolololololol
    As for gum being a toy idk about that one ..
    Dude is out there in the streets doing his thing . grantet hes not a peicer . not every body is . I have seen dope handstyles come from the whackes peicers out . but gums hand and throws are not only unique there dope too .
    Iv seen alot of shit come and go but his hands stand out . compared to alot on this site .
    Just my opinion .
    But chill out ladys there enough hostility in the world RN . lol
  14. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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    Suger ! What it do
    I still got that canvas I made for you like 2 years ago

  15. SUG

    SUG Elite Member

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    Wassup bro...dayyuum I am gonna get one going for ya maybe we could still do that trade!
  16. ElbowMacK187

    ElbowMacK187 Elite Member

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  17. Pullet

    Pullet New Member

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    I'm really new to this, critique is welcome

  18. ASOHLE

    ASOHLE Member

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    @Andy B im pretty limited with what stores are open right now, only essential ones.. luckily I work in one but the art stuff is weak as fuck.

    Mad hostility happening in the background here..

    First in my book.


  19. SUG

    SUG Elite Member

    • Messages: 567
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    Nice! You should add a shadow it would look dope af
  20. SpawnCamp

    SpawnCamp Senior Member

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    Oh, egads! My painting is ruined. But what if I were to paint over it with a critically acclaimed show and pass it as my own artwork? Delightfully devilish, Zoid.

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020