I Write Hesit, based out of the Harbor Area in Los Angeles. BlackSmithz and Sluts are the crews i rep.
Graffiti grabbed my attention during the 3rd grade. Didn’t paint for the very first time up until my 8th grade year. I grew up next to a train yard so i was naturally drawn to the freights. Painted my first freight with the name Hesit in 2013. At first i was all about numbers and probably the reason i was a toy. In 2014 after graduating HS i took it a bit more serious and I met my boy Reloe at my local yard, we got along and started painting almost daily, competing against each other on who had a better piece and that’s when i started developing more style. My style id say was first influenced by Script KI (Rest in Peace) i always loved how his style was aggressive and sharp! Later i was pushed by Reloe to add more arrows and sharper edges. I try to stay consistent on freights but i also try to balance the real world along with it. Ill have some off time periods but im a busy person and work takes up a lot of my time, Hauling freight trains for a Class 1 RR isn’t necessarily the most flexible job?. I could go on and on about my graff career but ill end it here. Shoutout to all my Crew members?
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