If you’re anywhere west of the Mississippi River and you haven’t heard of Clown(s) of TITS crew, then it may be a good idea for you to hit the books a little harder and study this thing we call graffiti. Clown has been a West Coast staple for the last two decades plus, making his mark on the early freight movement and establishing himself as a revered letter technician on legal and illegal surfaces alike. He was kind enough to take a few moments from his busy tattooing schedule to chat with us.

Can you tell me a little bit about TITS crew, it’s meanings and origins, and your role in it today?
Clown: TITS was just me catching tags that said TITS next to my tags for no real reason other than frustration of living in Santa Cruz with beautiful women every where you look. It got a quick response from everybody and we decided to make it our new crew. The first meaning was “Tapping Into The System.” My role in it is the same as everybody else’s. We all have an equal seat and vote at the table. It is a democracy with an “all or nothing” mantra.

What do you do to maintain a healthy graff life/regular life balance? Does graff ever get in the way?
Graffiti never gets in the way. On the contrary, all life’s requirements get in the way of having time to paint. I have been on a little break from painting, but I feel like I was starting to get burnt out on it anyways, so this break was overdue.

How has your experience in the world outside of graff informed or influenced your graff work and methods of operating? What non-graffiti stuff do you look to for inspiration?
My life outside of graffiti is just other forms of art. I see it as all connected as one entity. If I learn something new from a tattoo that is principle based then I can test the same theory on a wall and vice versa.

How did your graff name evolve? What did you start with and how did you end up with Clown(s)? Is there any deeper meaning behind it?
I had a new word every other week in the beginning. I only found Clown by accident, while watching a Batman cartoon. The bad guy on the episode was simply being called “clown.” Any graffiti writer or person that relentlessly practices their writing knows that you go on auto pilot when you have a pen in your hand. Anyways, by the time the cartoon was over I had filled up a few pages of clown tags and I liked how it flowed.

What do you think it takes to really make an impact as a writer aside from quality and quantity? What other things do you think it takes?
Not being an asshole to this newest generation would have an impact. Although the generation before me was 95% assholes and all of their attempts to get me to stop only got me more fired up to do more. I wouldn’t worry about making an impact as much as making sure you are having fun with this whole painting experience.

Do you think it’s possible to succeed in the “real world” and also kill it in the graffiti world full time? What complications do you think could arise?
There are a lot of people killing it in both realms. Obviously it is easier for those that have made their graffiti also their careers. You just need to be extra careful with how you choose what and where you paint after everybody knows your real name and what you look like.

What has graff taught you that you can use in other areas of your life?

Every single thing I know about living was seeded from an experience in graffiti. You learn how to deal with the full spectrum of the human race at its highest and lowest of values. Civilization is in the dark when it comes to the illusion of safety. Which is fine by me. The more people living in their little make believe bubbles will just make it easier for the rest of us realists when shit hits the fan.

How do you feel about the drug culture in the graffiti writer community?
Ha! Put it this way, I avoided going to San Francisco for almost a decade after a visit in which I saw everybody I cared about being unrecognizable because of drugs. Tits has already lost members because of drugs. I have zero desire to be around cocaine, pills, meth or any of that shit that ruins lives. Whatever floats your boat, but if you are on some shit, lose my number.

What do you look for when recruiting a new member of your crews?
We don’t recruit for TITS. Basically if you have been hanging out with all of us for years and know all of us, then it could happen. Joke delivery and timing is more important than any piece or style.

What’s your opinion about beef on metal?
Beef is an absolute waste of time and energy. It is just a distraction from a person’s own development. You need to be mentally untouchable. If somebody has a problem with you , it is their problem not yours. I recommend seeing if they are okay. Reach out with genuine concern.

What are your feelings regarding doing graffiti on surrounding buildings near freight layups? What would you consider proper spot conduct?
Leave the buildings alone. When you hit up a building in a train yard you are just telling on yourself. Why let the authorities know where you conduct your business?

Who do you think is slept on/deserves more shine and why?
I don’t believe anyone is being slept on.All of your rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to the amount of work you put in. It is a basic battle tested formula that is a direct law seen in nature.

How has graffiti affected your family dynamic/home-life?
I have no real home life. I work on art all day. I go home and keep working on art. It is all I care about. It has me motivated to be healthy enough to live to be 100 years old just so I can have more time on Earth to make even more art. Every day is a blessing that is wasted if it isn’t maximized on producing something out of nothing.

What advice would you give to younger cats starting out?
Study these books :
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The Alchemist
Getting Up
Spray Can Art
Subway Art
Book of 5 Rings
The Art of War
Zen Flesh Zen Bones
The Art of Dying
48 Laws of Power
And of course everything you can get your hands on that is history related. History truly does repeat itself.

Any last words or shout outs?
Rest in peace to Pear, Plus and Nots.

For more of CLOWNS work scope out his instagram

By Paul Lukes
