Made by writers for writers Real Moves Project is a crew of artists looking to highlight the best work in the ever evolving graffiti movement coming out of Spain. Created by top writers Dasco and Saker they have recently created a new youtube channel showing their exploits and process. Below we talked with the founders of Real Moves Project about how they got started, you can follow them on their new Youtube Channel for more videos to be uploaded in the future.
Dasco Interview
For people who do not know what Real Moves Project is please explain what your project is all about. What inspired you to start this project?
First of all thanks for the interview! Real Moves Project was born in 2014 in a short trip of Saker and me to Tenerife island. In this trip we met our good friend Riok. During this days I had a little new camera and I shooting few videos from our actions walls and bombing. When I came back to Gran Canaria i edited the first video of RMP and  seeing the reception obtained on youtube, we decided to go ahead with this. Real Moves Project it´s a graffiti crew but also we are a big family formed by all my brothers that I met in my trips around Spain. We are graffiti writers whose only concern is keeping it real!
On your Real Moves Project youtube page you guys have put up a lot of videos of your crew tagging different locations around Spain and what really struck me about these videos is their production value is very professional. Do you put these videos together yourself and do you have a background education in video editing? 
 I have learned to edit the video myself. Our videos are made by writers for writers. When one of us records, he assumes the same risk as the one who paints. We did not stay with a tripod recording from far away hidden and scared.
How do you go about shooting the scenes we see in your videos, do you plan them out ahead of time or do you shoot all night and figure out the video afterwards?
I do not plan anything, I am only wait and look the moments in which I can record. In one night we paint 20 throw ups but maybe i only can shoot 4. The darkness of the night, the risk of the place or simply I want to paint and not record all the time haha. Anyway in a bombing night anything is possible. I think the best nights of us are not recorded.
From watching the videos of your crew I can tell that hip hop is a big inspiration to you guys, who are you listening to these days? Does the music inform the editing in the videos or do you pick the music that best fits the video afterwards?
RMP is about Graffiti but not artistic graffiti or shit like that. We think of graffiti  like one of the elements of the Hip Hop culture. Of course Rap music is very important but sometimes I like to do my videos with other styles of music because i don´t like to do the same thing all the time. For that reason i introduced electronic music because i like fast rhythms. When I edit it´s like a puzzle the videos depends of the music and the music gives the flow to the videos. Nowadays I still listen all the classics from 90´s but if i had to choose my favorite rapper for me it would probably be Denzel Curry. I don´t know if he makes trap or what but he got the flow.
What got you started in graffiti and do you have a background education in art? What inspired you to go into graffiti art instead of any other art form?
 I don’t have any education art. When I was a kid I saw all the graffiti in my city and i remember thinking “This mad drawings on the walls are too difficult to paint something like  this it´s impossible for me”. Few years later when I was a teenager, i saw a little kids in the park playing with markers and notebooks with tags and throws, and suddenly i understand that Graffiti probably wasn´t to hard to do, and here i am. I love Graffiti because it´s direct and violent, The only thing you must have is a hand and a spray can to get up and paint whatever you want. Art is different there are third persons in the game who takes the decision from you about what is good or bad and your work doesn’t mean shit to them. The only thing thats important in art is to suck the correct dick haha but I understand the old school writers have their works in gallery, because they have a history behind and they are considered the first of Graffiti culture and I respect this, but for young people like us the art gallery are very far from our thoughts.
Some of these videos show close encounters with the police, can you tell us about the story behind some of these scenes? 
The law in Spain changed. Now you can´t talk, write or record nothing from police because is illegal and probably you can go to jail few months or years, so the only thing I have to say is, They can´t stop us!.
Where do you see the Real Moves Project going from here and where do you see it 5 years down the road?
In 5 years I think i´ll do the same things but with more experiences in graffiti and editing videos. Really I live the moment because in Graffiti everything can changes in a moment and it´s better don´t think about the things you want to do and do it directly.
Lastly is there any shoutouts you would like to give and please tell us where people can find your new work from you and your crew?
You can find us on instagram @realmovesproject and in youtube writing Real Moves. One love for all the writers I met during this years and thanks again for this opportunity we’ll continue making great Canarian graffiti!!
Saker interview
I looked around online and I saw that their isn’t any interviews with you that I could find. Can you tell us about yourself? What brought you into doing graffiti work and when did you start?
My name is SAKER, my crews are VCG RMP EPC. I am from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) Spain. I started painting in 2004. My brother (CESER87) started the same year as me but before, he was the one who instilled me in this world. Evolving from trouble in the street thanks to her help. Graffiti was the best change in my life.
You are a part of a crew called the Real Moves Project and you guys have your own youtube channel up of you guys bombing different locations. Can you tell us about the Real Moves Project and what your goals are? Who are the artists in the group and how did Real Moves Project get started? 

Real Moves Project is a movement with which we try to make known to the artists of diverse zones that we are going through. The initial idea was of Dasco and with respect to the videos, there was nobody who made videos of graffiti in our islands that is why we started on youtube. As a result of all this Real Moves Project has also become a great family. We are several in the crew, but the closest ones are DASCO, CESER87, OWAR, PHOES, BONES, OSIER, KIES, RIOK and Me.

Have any of you ever had any run ins with the police while bombing these locations where you had to flee? 
If you paint on the streets you are bound to get caught hahaha. With my brother I have had so many leaks that I do not even know where to start. ahahah I’ve even seen two policemen in the dungeon, threatening me abruptly to tell them who the SAKER was. hahaha
Who are the artists that inspired you to do graffiti art and is there any artists around today that you admire and would recommend we check out? 

I’m inspired by the people who go to my side with a real desire to paint and of those who will never say no for an answer. Several of the artists that caught my attention are: CESER87, SWETONE, DARE, SERVAL, NEMONE.

What is your educational background? Did you go to school for art? 

My studies have been on the street, I have never studied anything related to art.

Outside of doing graffiti art do you make a living doing art or is this something you only do on the side? 

I am a person without girlfriend, nor children, so I hardly have expenses, I try to gain what I can working with the graffiti to be able to continue painting.

For artists wanting to get better skills is there any practice or advice that you could give? How did you learn your sense of design? 

Graffiti is a very expensive lifestyle, if you’re just going to be for a while don’t waste your time. I have been improving my style over the years, everything is practice and sketching every day. Be constant.
Do you guys ever travel outside of Spain to tag? Where do you see the Real Moves Project at 5 years from now?
We have not organized many trips together, but we have great projects for the future. If God wants in 5 years we see ourselves the same, painting, meeting people and traveling.
 Thanks for your time! Is there any Shout outs you would like to give to anyone? 

A greeting for those people who have shared, nights, walls, houses and great memories with me. Thanks for this interview!

You can follow Real Moves Project on Facebook and Instagram.

Interview by Wesley Edwards.
