Alright so first off thanks for taking the time to do this interview, can you give us a brief history of your involvement in graffiti? What crew do you rep?
Been writing my name on things since 97ish. Crews- lords, wst, tits, creatures, idc
Do you make a full time living off of graffiti? If so can you tell us what that first gig was like and how you landed it?
The complete opposite. Graffiti is my yoga. I don’t ever want it to be “gig” other than rollin with friends to smash illegal spots
We just entered 2019, how was 2018 for you? Looking back what were your fondest memories of the year and your best piece, and do you have big plans for the year coming up?
Man… 2018 was a crazy year. Definitely my most productive as far as output. 2019 will hopefully be the same. I don’t have any plans yet. We’ll see what the year brings.
Whenever you were first starting out, what kind of exercises did you do to get better with your shapes? Would you recommend doing the alphabet in as many different styles as possible? What kind of exercises have you learned over the years that has helped you grow?
Good question lol. I personally think the only way to get better is by self progression. We all grow and learn at different paces. I’ve noticed that if my work doesn’t progress the way others “think” it should, they hate. I recommend not letting others opinions interfere or effect your self work or worth. Believe it or not stress is one of my biggest motivations. Stress can break you fast and hard, but if you find a way to grow through it you’ll find happiness and that’s what allows me to exercise my mind everyday.
My favorite posts you have on instagram are your time lapse videos of you painting in abandoned buildings. I’m curious how do you scope out locations to hit? Do you have any crazy stories from all your years of tagging?
Those time lapses are super fun. I feel like my life is in fast forward 24/7. An hour is a minute, a week is a day and a month is a week. I unfortunately wont share much about my process. Sorry! There are a fuck load of logistics that some of my spots require and only my close friends are aware of what it really takes to accomplish.. I do have stories and lots of them. From being held at gun point by federal agents to learn they are fans of my work, witnessing violent situations and best of all creating crazy memories (I’m the first to forget them). I share a lot them with my kids and educate them on what and how I learned from each situation. Virgin abandos are my favorite though. I’ll go the extra mile to that one of a kind spot!
Do you like collaborating with others or do you prefer doing your own thing?
I do love collaborating with others. My crew mates!
What is your go to arsenal for when you are going out for the day to paint? Who is your favorite brand and why?
My Go to… a bag of nitro 2G chrome/silver and black and a bag of colors. I love MTN and Loop. Both have given me direct support and I’m super thankful for them and their brands
When you started this who were the people who inspired you and who inspires you today? Looking back do you feel like you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to or do you think there is still a lot left to be accomplished?
When I started the people who inspired me were my close friends that wrote graffiti and the bombing in the streets and on the highways in my area. Most of my first influences aren’t even in the graff world anymore and or are coming back in the game after a 15-20 year of retirement. Again… we are all so different I won’t judge, I’m just thankful for all my past or present homies.
Today’s influences are probably bigger than ever! Only because I’ve surrounded myself with what I think is the best and most active in the graffiti world. Too many to name but if you know me, you know who I roll with.
Im thankful for what I’ve done. I truly am. But… I’ll never feel totally accomplished. Never! While painting a spot today I’m already thinking where and how im gonna get in and out of the next spot tomorrow.
This world has too much to offer and I enjoy waking up knowing today is a new day.
New opportunity is available and ima get what I can when I can.
What is the life/work balance like for you these days?
I laugh!! Hella loud sitting in this local bar w/ Funr.
No such thing as balance! I’m walking on a tight rope everyday.
A day in the life of style…
Single dad of 2 active kids, CEO of a creative company with 20+ employees.
Get 2 kids ready for school (yes, I make/pack lunches and make breakfast daily) drop off both at 2 different schools. Go to work where I try to make every single person feel appreciated. Run hella errands. Pickup kids. Take kids to activities, dance 4-6 days a week. Coach 12-U baseball 4 days a week. And… feed and live my 2 dogs. Travel and paint every chance possible. Repeat!
What is your favorite music to listen to when you paint?
Gangster rap!
Kevin gates. E40. Anything Bay Area and I’m happy. Gotta be pre 2000 though
Any shoutouts you would like to give? Where can people follow you?
All love!!
Kids #1… Crista and Carter. Bombing science for the interest. Immediate homies, you know who you are! All my crew mates, family, and you haters who ghost follow me hahaha. I love all y’all fools.
Follow me @styledontsleep ️
Interview by Wesley Edwards