Hello my name is CHUPA CHUMS (JUMS), I am from Germany and I like to paint graffiti 😉

My name is JUMS I paint now for just under 8 years and 2 years ago I wanted more letters, then became CHUMS
All the fun started in 2007/2008

EWS (EasyWriters) Crew I paint for 4 years! My home is Darmstadt, I paint otherwise also in the whole Rhine-Main area and what else so offers itself

My styles are very unusual, I would not count me to the classic style painters, nevertheless, I put with my actually very simple letters value on cleanliness and flowing color transitions I paint for many years without sketches and make every picture an experiment

I get a lot of inspiration from crews and writers like QMZ, FTS LF, JBCB, TheBullshitters, Keith sharing Pout, Obscure, Otis, Chip, Shane, Weal, Riot1934


Follow JUMS on instagram
