My name is Lovepusher. I specialize in three-dimensional typography. I’m from London, England. London is also the hub of my operations and the location where the majority of my graffiti works can be seen in real life. I also produce three-dimensional works of art in central Europe and the wider World.

As of this year I’ve been painting graffiti for 23 years. My journey began in 1995. As time has passed the graffiti culture has evolved and adapted to the needs of todays’ modern society. Despite the many changes, I still have the same level of passion and enthusiasm for graffiti as I did in my adolescence.

 My style is best described as three-dimensional typography. Essentially, what you will observe with my artwork is clear typographical letterforms rendered using light and shadow to create the perception of solid three-dimensional form on a two-dimensional plane.

 My influences are eclectic in nature. I draw influence and inspiration from the wide gamut of life. 

For more of LOVEPUSHER’s work click here

Follow LOVEPUSHER on instagram
