Bombing Science: Since when the MOS event is presented in Sofia? How many writers have painted in past years to these events?

Esteo: MOS Bulgaria is happening for the second time in Sofia. 2007and now 2009. We are inviting about 30-35 writers, a mix of bulgarians writers and guests.

Bombing Science: How did you become involved in the Meeting Of Styles events?

Esteo: MOS is a huge graff event, with so much media support, so its hard to miss..:)
The first time I touched the spirit of the event was in Thessaloniki (Greece)..
I painted with so many great artists, I met Manuel and started to think about bringing MOS in Bulgaria..
It’s a strange new destination for graffiti, so we decided to make it happen…
That’s the short story..

Bombing Science: This year, let us know what to expect of the MOS 2009 in Sofia! (writers, events, location…)

Esteo: The reason that I didn’t had the time to do this interview before was that a few days ago the main sponsor of MOS Bulgaria said "NO".. no money guests… sad but true… The world stupid crisis hits bulgarian graffiti.. 🙁 
 the MOS will still happen this year!! That’s for sure… but without paying travel fees to guests… no bling-bling.. no huge graff stars…
Every writers is welcome to paint…
We can help to find cheap hostel, place on the wall, some cans… thats all we can do…
We have big plans 4 this year—big artists…cool stage,a lot of surprises…but..
we make it our way…without sponsors, but WITH BIG HEART AND PASSION..
That is graffiti…not only money…I promise you a great event, cool productions, to prove that only with not  much, you can make it great…

Bombing Science: Tell us a little bit about the graffiti scene in Sofia…

Esteo: The graffiti scene in Sofia IS VERY YOUNG. Most of the writers are not so serious, mostly kids….painting just for a few years and then stop…
Serious writers in Sofia is about 25 people….they are painting for a lot of years, still get involved in graff..:) fresh young scene… lots of potential…

Bombing Science: Finally, any last word/message/requests to the people who will come to the MOS 2009 in Sofia this year?

Esteo: A cool chilly event…everybody is welcome… if we have the possibility we will give to good guest writers place to paint and some cans. Hope that in the next days things can change…we still have some hope for another sponsor. It would be great, but with or without it, the final productions will be high class…
Respect to all graff lovers.
