Nice – Graffiti has taught me so many things about life. It taught me how to achieve goals of my own and it’s taught me how to work together as a crew to accomplish a greater goal. Whether it’s bombing a rooftop, slapping up burners in the alley, or doing a roll out for the homie who passed, painting has helped me overcome a lot of my own personal struggles in life. It has also caused a few.
I grew up in Denver, Colorado looking up to guys like Emit, Preach, Chris Haven, Jher451, East, Tuke, Acee, Koze, Hyzer, Shoe amongst a long list of others. I started writing in 1998 and haven’t stopped since. A lot of styles and people have changed since then but it’s good to see some heads still on that street shit! I’m Nice, AM Crew, Secret Skwadron, signing off.
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