I am Niceo CM from the Upper West Side of New York City. I’ve been writing graffiti since 1977. My introduction to graffiti was through my older brothers Slick OTB and Snatch TNT. Because I was the little brother, I went everywhere they went. When my brothers painted burners on the subway, I waited in the car and practiced writing my name. It wasn’t long until I was painting on my own and over 40 years later I haven’t stopped.

My style is versatile. However, my signature style is a straight letter style. This was inspired by New York writers Lee, Seen, and Zephyr. Straight letters are my favorite style and my go to when I’m bombing the streets and subway tunnels because it’s legible and easy to recognize. When painting on a freight, I’ll use a wild style or burner style. Really, my style depends on the situation. One of the reasons I’ve lasted this long is because I’m constantly evolving.

From 1977 to 2020, a lot has changed in graffiti but I remain true to my roots. Whether I’m designing apparel for Ralph Lauren or Bushcamp, making stickers or posters, creating canvases or pins, graff always comes first. I’ll write graffiti until the day I die. Niceo CM Criminal Minded YNN HowCru 2DVD NBV Zulu Nation LoLifes.

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