I write OSTEO, it has no meaning i just really like the symmetry of the letters. Thought it would be real fun to compose a symmetrical word asymmetrically. I am from Providence, Rhode Island and have been writing since 2004. When it comes to writers who have influenced me throughout the years it mostly local Rhode Island/ New England writers. I really wanted my work to show where I am from through style. In Rhode Island, graffiti is all about strong letters with a funky style. Writers like Wizart, Tomb, Etips, Swerve, Above and Nerve are all heavily responsible for where I drew my inspiration from as I was developing my own style. When it comes to my style I try to focus on movement and balance of my letters so the piece coherently flows from start to finish. I used to think that wild style pieces were the best way to showcase your skills, then I deconstructed my style and stepped back my letter structure to relearn the basics of my letters. The last couple of pieces I have painted I have been painting on a much more large scale and reconstructing my style back up from the basics. As of late my main focus has been more about keeping good company and positive vibes when I paint, shout out to Nysto, Ster, Jus one, Kem and Ges. RIP TOMB DBM, UW, BT, TF.
For more of OSTEO’s work click here
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