Porno, I’m a writer from Melburn City that has been painting and obsessed with style writing and general mischievous activities since 1994. As a youngster I was heavily influenced by Hip Hop, Classic New York graffiti and also classic Melbourne graffiti, at first i was really only mainly interested in bombing from seeing immediate local influences and once an ‘ education’ was set in place from older mentor writers I grew up with i then became obsessed with progressing my work through stye writing, burners, charos and production walls. I Started writing Porno from 1997 when inspired by prolific bombers in Melbourne, particularly a few that used shock value words as simple tags that stood out in a rude and crude manner to the public. After my love of graffiti was well established I started working in design, signage and painting murals and base my artworks heavily influenced by design, technology, fashion and of course style. Graffiti, (although has been a love hate relationship at times) has opened my eyes to not only a whole other reality to life but also allowed me to paint and establish strong friendships around the world and made me learn well that being out of your comfort zone is the best place to be! I look forward to as many painting opportunities and meeting new friends in the near future!!

Photo by: p1xels
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