Resk12 is a Graffiti Writer from the south of Brazil. He had first contact with spray paint at age 14 and haven’t stopped writing his name since then. Dealing with a certain degree of color blindness he let’s his intuition guide him on color choices before painting panels or going out on bombing missions.
For him, who has studied two years of graphic Design in Portugal, there’s a sublime necessity to constantly transform and reinvent his typography, challenging himself to paint different compositions, styles and color palletes, from legible to enigmatic letters.
Maintaining the way of the streets as his guide to going out and putting up RESK12, he registers his missions and artworks and collects a following of more than 300 thousand people through the Internet, owning the largest Brazilian graffiti channel.
From North and South America to Europe he has left his mark when traveling, from big illegal murals and roll ups to small tags and stickers on electrical boxes.
Follow RESK12 on instagram