I am RKADE from Iron Giants Krew (IGK) Ruthless Kings (RK) and Rebels Til Death (RTD) based out of Texas the lone star state! I started graffiti back in 2008 but wasn’t til 2017 that I really started pushing my limits as an artist/vandal. I remember watching videos of Augor and Revok climbing billboards/rooftops and thinking to myself that those foos were crazy… I wanted to do that! Heights was my biggest obstacle to overcome but once the fear was gone I began to evolve and really test myself. I understood that you can accomplish anything you want, you just have to mentally allow yourself. A lot of my influences now are my own friends and writers I’ve met along the way. They’ve all taught me something about graffiti in one way or another. My style of graffiti changes every so often because I am constantly attempting new techniques, color schemes, and letter structures. The goal is to evolve as an artist/vandal every time I paint while staying humble. Shout out to all the homies because there’s not many like us, and not many like us!!

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