I write S.KAPE289. I enjoy style writing, healthy food and exploring. Spraypainting gets me excited – so does traveling. I left my mark in over thirty countries on four continents within the last ten years.
My main influence is traditional wild style Graffiti. But it’s the variety of different styles and the adaptation to the circumstances that make Graffiti interesting to me. I always try to push different styles at the same time. Usually, I divide them into a simpler and a more complex one, but within their categories, they change over time but also mix and interfere with each other. Sometimes I like it curvy to make it swing, sometimes I use a lot of straight lines to make it sharp – Sometimes my style is classier, sometimes more original. My favorite pieces are the ones that contain something new you haven’t seen before.
I have a lot of respect for Graffiti Writers who push boundaries in whatever way it may be. The toolbox of Graffiti is fun but it’s a game without rules and simply everything can be and should be an inspiration.
Feel free to follow my journey. I will try to keep it interesting for you.
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