SMAK / RAW / DBK / MK Originally from the Pretty Shitty City that is Swansea in South Wales but currently I reside in Bristol. I caught the bug for painting through skateboarding about 10 years ago and never looked back. The two cultures go hand in hand adapting and evolving, both with a strong emphasis on style and expression.
When I first started writing I was super lucky to have such mad talented and local influences. BIRD was smashing the wild styles and concept walls, RAREBIT was killing the illustrations and characters and RESH was destroying it with the bombing. I feel painting with these guys from such an early stage gave me a well balanced view of the culture and made me want to get good at all aspects of graffiti.
I would describe my style as quite traditional as I aim to keep a solid letter foundation to my pieces, however I am always trying to find new ways of adding my own bit of spice for extra flavour. I don’t think I will ever stop trying to achieve that perfect recipe for a tasty piece.
At the moment my day job is graphic design. Working usually under a set of restrictive limitations; this has given me more of an urge to break free, be looser and slightly more abstract when I go out painting.
Massive shout out to Bombing Science, everyone reading this and to all the top people that supported and shown me love so far. Your all dons, Werd.
For more of SMAK’s work click here
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