It has been a while I wanted this interview to get done. My man Smak is the official reference when speaking of Montréal graffiti, especially the west side of the island. So finally, between two recording sessions (we both heavy players in the music game), he picked me up in his Escalade, and this interview came to life.

BombingScience: Sup my maing, I know times have been rough since Nate died and shit, but still, what’s really good?

Smak: Life is really good son. The graff game has slowed down a bit for me in terms of luxury car sponsors and real cash, so I’ve been concentrating on my investments instead. That doesn’t mean I don’t go out every now and then to get my paint on, but it just isn’t the same as it was in the 90’s. Bombing is in my blood but I want more cash in my wallet you know.

BSCI: Is there any other names people know you as?

Smak: I got tons, Rusty Knives, Smakaveli, the Real Paul Bernardo, Tony doll, Dr Ice… The list is long but real recognize real, there are some names I’m just not ready to make public in a graffiti interview just cause the legal issues haven’t been hammered out yet. When you get to be as rich and famous as me, you gotta watch all the angles and keep people guessin’. My homies in the streets know what I’m talking about.

BSCI: So, Smak, whats the last thing you smacked?

Smak: Some rednecks in Alabama for talkin’ shit about the god R Kelly.

BSCI: For reel, you’ve been to Alabama? That’s life achievement right there. Tell us more about it.

Smak: Alabama is a US state in the southern part of the country. It’s full of cool people and the weather is real hot. Its population is 68.5% White (67.0% Non-Hispanic White Alone), 26.2% Black or African American, 0.6% American Indian and Alaska Native, 1.1% Asian, 0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, 2.0% from Some Other Race, and 1.5% from Lynyrd Skynyrd.
That makes it a real nice place to be.

BSCI: What other great lands do you suggest our readers to go visit?

Smak: All I can say to that is: anywhere in the world away from home is a great place to visit. I personally love the US mid west, shoutouts to my homies in Presho South Dakota. I also spent some time in Louisiana this summer and if you haven’t been yet, you missin’ out son. New Orleans has everything you could ever ask for. Poor folk, rich folk, cheap drinks and great music. But if you want a taste of what the real dirty south has to offer, you gotta holler at my man Twan in room 26, motel 6 in Baton Rouge, homie spits the truth so eloquently you don’t even know. And don’t forget to get a legendary Botato in Shreveport La.

BSCI: Word is New Orleans has got that Master P ‘hhhhhhhhuuuuuunnn’ swagger.

Smak: When I was there, homies were all bumpin’ Meek Mill’s Tony story. and I mean singing it full blast all over town. I didn’t get a taste of any of that southern grimey shit cuz Drake was all over the radio too. Also, a great memory I got is crossing the bridge into New Orleans and hearing my homies from Nickelback on the local radio station. Congratulations Chad and Avril, I’ll see you at the wedding homie.

BSCI: Sup with R Kelly? You guys still hang out?

Smak: We try to get together every other month but with touring and open court cases, we haven’t hooked up since we were down at his mommas old house 2 christmasses ago. I’m hoping he gets an invite to the rock’n’roll wedding of the century so we can link up and talk about the long awaited duet album we started recording in 2003.

BSCI: Music career is doing good?

Smak: Music like graffiti has changed alot since I got into this life in the mid 90’s. As much as the internet helps artists out I still believe that the foundation has to be in the streets, and that’s where you’ll catch me all day every day. My songs like my graff belong in the hearts and minds of the people that get to experience it live.

BSCI: What would you say got you into that R’n’B shit? Does it have anything to do with graffiti?

Smak: I think both R’n’b and graffiti are both deeply rooted in street culture. I got into bombing cuz I loved to vandalize shit as a kid, you know burn shit, shoot kids with bb guns, stealing shit. I realized that doing all that and signing my name to it made me a badass outlaw and would help me with the ladies. After a while though the girls drifted away and I was surrounded by a bunch of dudes, no homo. So I stepped my game up and linked up with some other up and coming R’n’B stars and started to put shit on wax. We musta recorded a hundred tracks in that first year and what do you know the girlys came running back. Not to say that graffiti isn’t still a huge part of my life but the money and shorteez that R’n’B brings me makes it all worth it.

Smak x Scan x Cemz – TA Wall factory, Montréal. (click to enlarge)

BSCI: I know our man Scan(thanks for the shirt maing!) is working hard to get his punchlines approved by Nesar. How do you work on your punchline stack?

Smak: My shit is born on the streets and I give it all back to the streets, you know what I mean. Inspiration for punch lines comes from everything around me. From the soldiers hustling mix tapes and dime bags to the bankers investing my dough, the beautiful people in this world are the reason I do what I do. I want my words to live on long after I’ve passed on to the great big titty bar in the sky. I’ve been told by dozens of fans that I’m like the Shakespeare or Molière of Montréal.

BSCI: What will your next song be about?

Smak: I’ve recorded songs about gangbangs, motocross competions, spacecalade escapades, baller euro paint stores, chocolate, an entire christmas album and pretty much anything else you can think of. Maybe i need to travel to India to get that hot new idea for a song or album like my homie and mentor (Paul) M.c. Cartney did all those years ago.

BSCI: Any upcoming songs about politics? I mean with all them elections happening.

Smak: I’m really not that into politics these days cuz those dudes always wanna take my hard earned money away. If I were to vote for anyone I’d vote for Barrack cuz the man can sing and you can always trust a man that can sing.

(click to enlarge)

BSCI: Sagewondah did quite a remix with our boy Momo pol temps d’niaiser, are you guys working on something together? Something involving téquila and heineken?

Smak: Tequila and Heineken are the flavors of the month but you gotta remember we brought out the « vodka jus d’orange/ rum’n’coke avant de partir » bit like 6 years ago. We pioneered the alcohol gangbang genre before this clown even knew what Clarks were. DJ Sagewondah is a musical genius of the highest order, and deserves all the credit for turning a drunken unfresh fool into an overnight success. Dude caught his 15 minutes but Sagewondah will be around forever, just like me. Pas le temps niaiser.

Smak: I wanna shout out all my peoples at Cadillac, Clench, Lugz and Kawasaki. All my R’n’B peoples deserve mad love as well, Big Danny D, Grattitude, Gerry Oulé, Rapalo, Ray Jay, Von Vernel, StreetBoss, the homies at Mafia Friteuse and Jingafly. Everyone gettin’ money and doin’ honeys, much respect.
