For those who don’t know, Smurf is a certified hot-boy in the Boston area who is known to run wild on occasion in NYC, go head to head with heads across the globe, and get his hands dirty on walls both big and small. Managing to cultivate a substantial online fan-base while maintaining his roots as a tagger out there in the streets, Smurf has made quite a name for himself in what most writers in this day-and-age would consider only a short time. Smurf is a full fledge Boston outlaw, and we got a chance to pick his brain.


Ok so let us first, from-jump, tell our readers who you are and what you do!

I write Smurf, Smurf1 ,Smrf. I am just a man with paint and markers going out leaving my mark in this shitty society.

Where do you call home?

I reside in the gritty streets of Beantown (Boston,MA)

Have you always been from Boston?


Represent any crews?

I rep the motherfucking ON CREW , KYA, TNK, out of Boston,  ISA and TDT out of New York City.

Massive ON Crew done illegally, all cans.

Massive ON Crew done illegally, all cans.


Care to break down the acronyms for us?

ON = Our Neighborhood, Out nightly, obviously ninjas, ummm Obtaining Narcotics lol no real meaning. Basically we’re always ON never off! KYA=Krazed Young Artist, Killing your Area. TNK = Trust None Kru, Takin Niggas Kans, Tough Neighborhood Kids. ISA= I Stay Active, Insane Style Assassins. TDT = Taking Down Toys, The Dream Team.

How long have you been writing?

I started writing graffiti around 03/04 but didn’t start pounding the streets until just a few years ago when I had a realization and said fuck it!

If you had to, how would you best try to describe your style both at the moment and overall?

Well at the moment I’ve been doing more raw street trackside bombing. But I still occasionally  do full color pieces every few months that have been said to be a vicious looking wild style.



Why do you think you have been getting up more street/trackside lately?

The adrenaline man. You can’t get the same feeling while painting a chill spot!

What, if anything, would you say most of your pieces have in common?

That same style! I think, being a writer, it is important to have YOUR OWN style, and not try to  bite someone’s style. You should be able to paint any word and have people know and recognize that specific writer that painted that piece! I used to think you should be trying different styles but honestly fuck that shit. Keep doing you!



How would you explain to an outsider the importance of recognition in the world of graffiti?

Hmm honestly that’s a tough one for me to answer as I really only do this graff shit for myself, ya know?

Fair enough. Why do you think it is that you took to graffiti? [Of all mediums]

Graffiti is the most pure in my opinion. It’s something that most writers risk their freedom and also their lives for. I’ve been arrested for what I do and and I’ve almost died for what I do. I don’t think you can say the same for any other type of artist, can you? But I don’t know man, I do graffiti because I’m addicted to doing it. I love the adrenaline I get from writing on something that I know I’m not supposed to be writing on. Going out nightly painting shit and then going back the next day after getting away with it to see what I did, shittttt, that’s the best feeling to me.

Almost died?

Yes, there was one night i was painting on a bridge and while I  was painting a train was coming. I literally had nowhere to hide or tuck myself safely  so I  had to try to run to the end of the tracks before being hit by the train. Basically if you’ve ever watched the movie Stand By Me, you know the type of shit I went through. Every night going out could be lethal man. Whether you’re jumping from fire escapes on to rooftops or painting tracks, this shits no joke man;  graffiti is definitely not for everyone!

What do you consider graffiti? What DON’T you consider graffiti?

Writing on shit that you’re not allowed to write on.  Not that legal bullshit that heads are doing calling themselves graff writers! Haha

Care to tell us about your first attempt(s) at getting up?

I started practicing letters fucking around when I  was about 10 I  think, but never really did anything outside of a blackbook until around age 12 or 13 when I caught my first tag on a mailbox and it was history from there lol.  I  didn’t start taking graffiti serious until I  met a few friends my freshman year of high school and started hanging out with them going out bombing and TRYING to rock pieces. Although I was no good at it, I loved doing it!

Do you enjoy the graff scene where you live?

Yeah the scenes alright in Boston. Definitely not what it used to be. The streets are hot right now, they have been cracking down on writers and buffing more than ever. But we’re still out here fighting back! Boston has a lot of style to offer for sure. Some of the best handstyles and piece styles in my opinion.

Are you thinking of anyone’s hand styles/pieces specifically?

My man Soems from Boston got one of the best hands in the game without a doubt! As well as other artists from Boston such as Gyer, Kesh, Quiz, Vault, Alone etc.


Nothing legal about that.

Nothing legal about that.

Who (aside from yourself) are the streets of Boston watching at the moment?

I Know Soems is getting a lot of attention in CT where I live.

Ahhhh man way too many people to name. Basically whoevers on the streets putting in work!

Any paint or paints in particular you prefer?

I mostly always use rusto (rustoleum), but to be honest I will use some fancy paint from time to time when piecing. Ironlak is probably my favorite fancy paint. That pink vegan cap is the balls!



The SMURF Mixtape vol 1. Give us 5 songs to get up to:

  1. For Whom the Bell Tolls-Metallica
  2. The Format- AZ
  3. Jump Around- House of Pain
  4. Any J Dilla track
  5. Survival of the Fittest- Mobb Deep

No specific J Dilla song at the moment??

Nah man, I  could rock to most all his tracks R.I.P. J Dilla



Courtesy of TheWanderingEyesBlog (

Courtesy of TheWanderingEyesBlog (


Marker or mop?

Marker for sure. My go-to would have to be a uni px-30. That thing is like a sword to a samurai for me lol.

Who is your favorite writer of all time and why? If you can’t narrow it down to just one, feel free to name a few.

My favorite would have to be Mr Twister (Twist) for sure. Always loved his unique style. I have huge respect for him; he killed the streets back in the day. Even after being a world recognized artist in galleries he still continues to get ups.

We now know how you feel about legal walls. That being said, do you think you would ever consider having your work in a gallery? If you were approached about it?

Yeah sure why not. I already have! I used to consider it a sell out for putting graffiti into galleries since it belongs on the streets but since growing up I’m money hungry man. If I can make a lil’ money off of what I’m doing then fuck it I’m in. But I wouldn’t quit bombing for it.

You have been approached about being in a gallery? Care to give us the details on Smrf’s first Gallery appearance?

[I] wouldn’t say it was a recognized gallery, but I’ve been in a couple shows in Boston and one in New York. [I] Haven’t had a solo show yet, it’s in the works though.

So you’ve been a part of a few large-scale competitions at this point, is that correct?

Yes I’ve been in a couple. A world-wide handstyle battle that @Bomit [] hosted, and also a sticker bomber of the year battle.

For those who don’t know, tell us what the Handstyle Battle is.

Well the handstyle battle was based off of skill.  Bomit would pick a different word between  two writers; we had to write in our styles every round to move up the brackets. The sticker bomber one was basically all on who put in the most work that year and the judging was public, heads voted on it.

img_2322 img_2323

The Handstyle and Sticker Bomber Finals (Years 2016 & 2014 respectively).



Have you checked out Bombing Science before?

Yes I’ve been following bombing science closely for the last decade.

Any advice for the youth that find this article?

Do your homework, practice your craft and DON’T touch someone else’s work unless you can burn it!


Anyone you’d like to shout out?

Shout out to the whole ON crew, KYA ,TDT ISA and TNK much love. And shout out to anyone who’s actually in the streets putting in that real work. Respect!


What’s the next step for papa Smrf?

Only time will tell..

If you could get up on any surface in the world right now where would it be?

Haha thats  an easy one, The white house duhhh!


– S.


