I write SNOK and I’ve been around for couple years now, my first time getting involved with graff might have been around 2009-2010 but I’ve really stepped up my style in the last four years. I started with the classic bombing here and there but never got really involve into those, I’m more about good a burners and nice pieces in abandoned places, trackside and under bridges for their virgin walls.
I’m based in Montreal, Canada. Great city cause there’s a lot of good writers but still, i think its easy claiming to be a writer around here but harder to become a good one! I am more precisely from the west island where the long bus rides reduce your impulsivity if you’re into throw-ups! Ha Ha.
Since day one, I’ve always approach my perspective of a wall by using the dynamics of it. For example, if there’s a nice wall in an old abandoned factory with a big grease mark on it, i’ll try to work with it and match it with my fillin’ or my background. I always love trying to squeeze my piece in the landscape or the atmosphere of the spot. I think after doing a couple different spots like these I’ve manage to find a couple of different styles to play with. I have my classic readable letters, typography style for quick interventions after finishing a bigger piece, on the other hand, my dirty letters for line-ups with the boys on a nice sunny afternoon. Finally, i also have a style for the boxcars I’ve been rocking since couple years now, where I practice my quick burners by adding a bit of swirls to it or even just dropping a quick match up between fonts and dirty letters. In the end, it’s a question of time to do what you want, so i try to manage the best i can with what i have.
In Montreal, Five and Dre have always been a big influence on my style from their proper concept and clean fonts. I would say KG crew obviously with their big roller concept and piecing. There’s also a couple of guys from my generation who’ve been increasing their style a lot. When it comes to a bigger picture, I would go with GARY and TRAV MSK for their obvious skills in typography and block letters, SWEAR, HINDUE and maybe KERSE for their freight styles.
I’d like to take a second to shout out my good guys out there with who I evolves with! RCD boys; MASK, YEMA, BEAF, BUMPR without forgetting my other hermanos; VOGUE, ASON, JAKER, JOHSTE!
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