Hello, I am Storno from Germany. In the past I mostly wrote Reos, but decided to have some more letters to play with.
In Germany “Storno“ means “cancellation“, and the Slang meaning is something like “Very Drunk“ so it‘s a very good match to me haha.
I’ve been writing Graffiti since around 2007/2008, maybe a bit earlier.
Day one Member of the CMZ and UPPS Crews, which both are very familiar and a circle of Good Friends.
My home base is Koblenz, located between Cologne and Frankfurt.
I would call myself very addicted to Stylewriting. I get very fast bored and need to try around a Lot, trying to find a good balance between classic Stylewriting, Throwups and modern Elements. Also between dirty and clean. The letters
should always be readable, but never too simple.
I think the Line Itself is very important and must have a good Flow without everything cutted away, of course some failures are okay and make a Piece more alife .
A big influence in the beginnings had Crews and Writers like INF, OBC, EPSC, TSW, OH, JBCB, Loveletters, Bums, Semor, Moter and of course Names like CanTwo, Atom, Bates and a Lot more!
Nowadays i really like it when someone breaks a bit with the classical Graffiti, like Sweet Uno, Horst, Senil, Foicht, Mozer, Fazit, Quapos …. to Name just a few! There are too much good ones
out there.
Greetings to my Crews and all great Guys that i call my Friends and Partners in Crime!
Follow Storno on instagram