T-Bone / Steak
Years writing: 16
Based in Seattle, Washington
Crews: None have accepted my applications, but I hear great things about them.
Writers That Influenced/Taught Me A Lot:
Persue, Icepick, Jurne, Twigs, Vic 20, BC, Keo, Pynball, TVC was the main crew in San Diego where I grew up, that really had funk down.
Writers That Currently Inspire Me:
Mostly friends. The names above and Other, Sueme, Tars, Perck, That, Aerub, Hungr, Jaroe, Curve, Seb, Nurse, Dr.Evil, Niche, Caves, Mast, FLIES Crew, Merlot,
All Time Faves:
Reas, Dondi, Wane, Sane, Dream TDK
My style:
I don’t think I am doing anything new graffiti wise. I make sure my connections don’t come out of thin air, stars, bubbles, arrows, funk trumpets, bomb ass shampoo, sometimes break em off with the swiggety swoots, or flip the whole Bon Jovi. I’ve been told my color schemes stand out. But usually when someone says “cool colors” they really mean “it would be socially awkward for me to say I don’t like my friend’s piece directly to them.”
In the last two years, I have been challenging myself to switch some things up. I will sketch my outline 12-15 times before I like it instead of going off the head. I will paint my piece with no background to shift focus on the letters. I think there’s a difference between painting traditional classic graffiti and understanding how those styles work and then finding your own lane within that style.
I’m fortunate enough to talk with my friends: Persue, Other Jurne, Twigs, Keo and they all are good about pushing me to improve my pieces, point out shit that looks wonky, share their knowledge, or little secrets n shit.
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