Take5, BA, BSM

Take5 is a Vancouver based artist living in the unceded Territory of the Sḵwx̱wú7mesh people. He has been actively painting graffiti art since 1992. In 1995 he was injured in an accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down. Undeterred by this life-changing event, Take5 pressed on with the help of his friends, family, and crew to become a celebrated artist in his community. 

Who are writers that influenced your style?

Most notably would be the OG master writer ‘Krewz’ of BA-KSN-KGM. He spent years teaching me about forms and how to paint. Also notably was Cmor my PnC (Partner in Crime). We started writing together and developed our own signature styles based on the masters we admired. We hitchhiked to SF in 1997 and were Blown Away by the writers down there who were a big influence on us. Eventually we were accepted as members of the B.A crew which was an incredible honor for us both. Other writers who influenced me are of course anyone in BSM, Virus, Aero, King 157, West Coast Poem, Jase. David Lynch also heavily influenced my outlook on art. The artist Buz Blurr aka ‘Colossus of Roads’ also heavily influenced my railroad dispatches. 

Talk about your painting style:

As noted above my style was most influenced by the Master writer Krewz. He had a ‘wildstyle’ with long bars that had pointed edges. After years of observing his work I eventually came to see the mastery was not from the peripheral ornamentation (like the pointed ends or arrows), but in the balance of the letters relative to their movement. A piece (masterpiece) had to have movement in it, which always presents a challenge of where to throw the weight of a letter while considering where it’s energy will go. Wildstyle is not just painting random connections; its about where the energy & weight of a letter is directed and how that energy of movement is resolved. 

For more of TAKE5’s work click here

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