Terms – Peace I’m a Puerto Rican / Colombian Miami born writer. Been writing for decades and still active.  I’ve lived many places in my life. I’m a traveling man. From Miami to Oakland to DC even lived in Colombia couple of years. I consider myself a spiritual artist/ writer. The crews I’ve pushed are BSK, PTV, MOC, FS, NETWORK, 7UP, EP, STV. My style has always been about constructing letters. But I consider myself an all-out writer. From handstyles to throw ups, letters, monikers, even modern contemporary art. Im a product of all the aspects of this culture. My work does carry spiritual energy which has always been important to building my art. Writers I’ve always looked up too are Phase 2 ( Praise True) Vulcan, Kvee, Sae, Dek, Tame, Seam. PEACE!

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