Want to try the Flame Paint?
Want some free paint?
This is your lucky day because we are looking for graffiti writers across the USA and Canada to test the Flame and tell us all what they think about it!
Here's the deal: we will send you 9 free cans and you will send us back a review of your experience with the Flame (200-500 words) and pictures of the wall you have painted. Easy!
Want to participate? Here's how you can apply:
– E-mail us at flame (at) bombingscience.com
– Attach 2-3 pictures of recently painted pieces
– Specify in which city/state you live
We will NOT give paint to everybody, but we want to give you all the chance to apply for this free paint. We will only reply to the writers we have selected, please don't take it personal. So e-mail us and good luck!