My name is Tyos47 from the Coalas Crew and Painters, from Berlin-Gropiusstadt. Towards the end of 2006 I began Graffiti on the streets and sprayed one of my first pieces.

The biggest influence on my way to becoming the writer I am now is Phos4 from Berlin and Smash137 from Basel. The dynamic way of how they paint inspires me a lot. Nevertheless it was important for me to develop my own style without copying – I think it’s important that every writer has his unique style.

I put my focus more on the style and the letters, less on the Background. It’s important that each letter can stand for itself. The relationship between my letters is strong, everything is based on each other. I think my style is dynamic and solid. Furthermore I think you should never stop to evolve and expand your abilities. I’m always very critical with my work/style, so I always try to do something new without duplicating my last pieces.

For more of TYOS work click here

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