Vision was born in 1971 in Pantin and grew up in Montreuil in the suburbs of Paris. In 1983, he was then 12 years old and like many teens of his age he did not escape the wave of hiphop that invaded France. After tagging a few months without really understanding the meaning, he made his first graffiti in 1986 and founded the group “Purple Kidz” in reference to a famous song of Prince. In the 90s, he made it all the colors in Ile-de-France with his group Outlaw Crew. The railways, the trains, the metro trains, the wasteland, nothing escapes them. Recognized international graffiti artist his name will mark the spirit of a generation of Writers as he will have painted and written. Self-taught, he has also turned to painting on canvas since 1990, with daily studio work since 2001. He participates in many festivals, solo and collective exhibitions in Paris, in the provinces and abroad. (T.A.G at the Grand Palais, Manish Arora fashion show, ParisToutPetit in partnership with Arcurial …) Today recognized for his work on canvas as on wall Vision is one of the most prolific writers. Few of his generation are still active as he is. In 2016, he celebrated his 30 years of graffiti and does not seem ready to stop.
For more of VISION’s work click here
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