Yoyo! My name is Wery part of the KDP and 5FC crew.
Growing up in a small town near Hamburg in northern Germany, I took my first steps with a spraycan in 1998-2000. At that time skateboarding was more important to me thats why I dived deeply into stylewriting roundabout 2006. I moved to Hamburg and studied communication design. There I admired and was influenced by members of the COS, DSF and GMS Crew like Razor, Round, Zztop, KidCrap and many more. Also, I was blessed because near my hometown is a famous abandoned cement factory called “Alsen”, where I got in touch with pieces of legendary writers like Dare, Cantwo, Bates, Kacao77, Daim etc. It was wild. Nowadays I am living in Berlin. If I would describe my style it would be a dynamic aggressive wildstyle which has to be clean, sharp, spiky with round shapes, very often stretched out and combined with characters or portraits.

Thanks to the bombing science team and much love for my crews.

Cheers Wery KDP 5FC

Follow Wery on Instagram @wery_kdp_5fc
