The sun was out in full force from early morning and the crews met up, drew a number for their wall and received their box of Molotow spraycans along with the topic of the day for the production walls: Born 2 Be Wild. Before the crews started working on their production walls.
The crews could then start their production walls and many great ideas and concepts started to appear. The topic was one that could be interpritated in a variety of ways and the brainstorms were in full force. Then followed the sketching competition. Each crew picked 1 writer to represent them on a canvas using one4all markers. The word for the sketch was: FIGHT and two hours was enough for everyone to rock a nice little piece of art. The Top 3 of the Sketching came out like this:
1. VT Power (Rome, Italy)
2. ZSE Crew (Salerno/Cosenza/Crema/Termoli/Messina/Genova/Jesi,Italy)
3. First Lines (Brindisi, Italy)
The tagging competition was done on huge posters with a transformer marker full of black ink. The word for the tag was: FREAK and the Top 3 came out like this:
1. AEROES (Perugia, Italy)
2. Genuine (Rome, Italy)
3. LDK Crew (Rome/Naples, Italy)
it was time for the throwup competition. 10 guys armed with 2 cans each lined up next to each other and the word: SIX was given along with 90 seconds to execute the throwup. After 90 seconds of action, the Throwup Top 3 ended up looking like this:
1. NSIS Crew (Bari/Naples, Italy)
2. First Lines (Brindisi, Italy)
3. CSA Crew (Rome, Italy)
The special guest and judge was Zombie from Copenhagen/Denmark, who along with the crews themselves helped to pick out the winner. After 8 hours of working on the walls it was time to clean up and get ready for the announcement of the overall winner. The crews gathered in the skatepark where bboys and skaters rocked the whole day. First the winner of the concept painting was announced. After a very close battle with many good entries and escpeially good, creative character and background work, the Top 3 for Concept Painting was this:
1. LDK Crew (Rome/Naples, Italy)
2. WILDBOYS (Naples, Italy)
3. AEROES (Perugia, Italy)
This meant that after a long day of battling in a friendly, fun and sunny atmosphere, the overall Top 3 and of Write4Gold Italy 2009 Final Results looked like this:
1. LDK Crew (Rome/Naples, Italy) (qualified to the Write4Gold European Final 2009)
2. WILDBOYS (Naples, Italy)
3. AEROES (Perugia, Italy)
Congratulations to LDK crew who defend their 2008 title, see you at Splash Festival 2009! Also big shouts to all teams in the competition, everyone who represented of the rest of the walls, the DJ that fried in the sun all day, the organisers Willy and Mark and everyone else who came along and enjoyed a beautiful day of Write4Gold!
See photos of Write4Gold 2009 here!
Peace and thanks!
Write4Gold Team