Here we go again with some more round up articles with some of the hottest writers in the game right now. To start things off we thought we’d ask these heavy weight writers what their favourite piece they painted in the last few years is, and this is what that have to say:
I think the most recent one I did is my current favourite. I just like the simplicity and action in how the letters are posing. It was a quick piece and the colors are okay, but while painting it, it opened some new imaginary doors that I’d like to expand on with the next few pieces.
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It’s hard to narrow it down to just one favourite piece from over the years but at the moment I’m really feeling this Animaniac piece. The theme was Cartoon Network at a team jam and Yakko was a cool character to give a slight twist to. Like all my characters, they all have a slight twist to them. Mostly menacing or devious looking. Although in this case Yakko looks pretty dazed out his box haha! Love these candy colours too.
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Hard to tell my favorite piece. But if I’d have to choose one I’d say my piece on the orange wall in Roskilde last year stands out. I like it for many reasons. First of all because of the lineup we had on that wall. It also reminds me of all the good times I had at Roskilde. As for the piece I like the dynamics/structure of it. Colors also feel balanced to me. I had put myself pressure saying this had to be my ‘’banger’’ of the festival and am pretty happy how it turned out.
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My favorite piece that I have painted recently is what I painted at this years Paint Louis. It was so refreshing and reminded me of why I love to paint pieces in the first place. It was just a great weekend with the homies away from home burning down the wall seeing old friends and making new ones.
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