Hey, my name is XMAS, and I’m from Nova Scotia, Canada. I’ve been writing for about 11 years, give or take. Graffiti for me has always been about personal freedom, going with the flow until you find the end result, and I think that point of view is reflected in how my style has and will develop. I always start a piece with letters in mind but then the flow takes over. I like to let the viewer see what they want in my pieces, rather than spell it out for them. Plus, letters can be restrictive, so I just use them as guidelines. I’ve noticed more and more writers out there pushing the envelope and trying new things and that really inspires me to try new things as well, especially when it comes to color schemes. It’s very hard to name every artist that has inspired me but I can take a crack at few: Mediah CBS, Dytch CBS, Water OPS, Brusk DMV, Monke K6A, Cabin HW, TM Crew, Pryme TPN and many many more. 
I’d like to give a big shout out to some good people I never would have crossed paths with if it weren’t for graff; TONE2 & ALEKS LESONZ  & GLOBE GHSPACE5, YRON, & FUZE ICM SINOE PDKDAPSO 
Til Life’s Exit,
