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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ares, May 3, 2004.

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  1. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Post it up.

    I've got a 16 page poster of Morrison I made, but haven't printed it out yet.
  2. theoneandonly

    theoneandonly Senior Member

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  3. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i guess posting vynil is cool now


    bad flick
  4. theoneandonly

    theoneandonly Senior Member

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    i noticed people were posting vinyl..but thats not why i posted it...posted it for good ol ray charles..i love that shit...RIP RAY CHARLES!!!!!!!!!! haha im so bored and speeding and cant go to sleep i must do somethin!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god i must calm down...i must sketch
  5. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Bump for Bob and the Wailers! There currently whats coming out of my speakers.

    On the vinyl tip, I'm always looking for more, and if you've got some you want to get rid of, for a reasonal price, hit me up.
  6. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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    ares i remember you posted some shit aobut some kid named vadim or somthing in the old forums randomism thread, do you think you could post that again?
  7. jade

    jade Elite Member

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  8. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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    i love how it says Fuck u acrostically
  9. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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  10. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    Haha, somebody remembers Vadim! Your lucky I posted this on 12oz, because there's no way I'd want to type it all out again... Here it is:

    Update on Vadim. He came back to school, so I saw him a few times in the year. Dispite all my efforts to avoid him, he managed to find me a few times, and continue to creep me out. I couldn't even look him in the eyes after what he said about me. Any ways, last I heard, he joined the army, or some crazy shit like that.

    Lesson of the day kids: Unbalanced russians + vodka = bad times.
  11. mr. she77

    mr. she77 Elite Member

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  12. ares

    ares Elite Member

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    I have another small Vadim story. It happened in the same time period as the first three. So one day, me, a few girls, Vadim, and some guy were all chilling, having a few drinks when Vadim randomly gets up, and tells us he's leaving. Buddy left the liquor(which he paid for), and the second he hit the door, we all had a few rounds of shots. So a couple hours, and a 26er of vodka later, Vadim phones one of the girls cell. He tells her he's at some park, but he's about to head home, and get his half ounce, and come over and smoke us(out the the worst bong I'd ever seen. It was leaky, had a plastic bowl, with a tin foil screen. Luckily I had a bong on me, so we used that, and he proceeded to jock me because of how well I make bongs, but thats because he's dump.). So were all hyped, because we pretty much planned to get him to smoke us all of his weed. Well, an hour or so later, he stops by(He never knocked, he'd just walk in.). No one says hi to him, the first thing mentioned was weed. He gives us the "I'm so fucking stupid look", and throws this little peice of ceran(?) wrap on the table. I goto unwrap it, and what do you know, it's a little peice of weed. Actually, little is an understatement. I swear, there couldn't have been more than 0.1g. One of the girls asks where the rest of it is, and he freaks out, and punches the wall. We started hitting the bottle rather early that day, so at this point its only early evening. Me and the girls pitch a few bucks, and ask Vadim to pick us up some more Vodka(We only had about $10, so the rest came out of his pocket), and he said that was cool. Another 26er, and a couple packs of coolers later, we decide to call it a night(at 6am), and we all pass out.

    Those were some blurry times, and I know there was more Vadim stories, so if I remember any more, I'll post up.

    And for those who might be wondering, I did not make Vadim or any of these stories up. This kid exists, and is fucked up, and Secto can vouch.
  13. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i love your storys ares.
  14. genome

    genome Elite Member

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    its thie college students site form texas.
    those cyber sex sttempts are pretty funny but there like a million pictures and tonnes of video and even more text. theres a forum there to so all toys please clog that forum now thank you.
    none-the-matter i still highly recomend it..

  15. jade

    jade Elite Member

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    i din get it from there but if theres more there then im going to that site.
  16. ViKn

    ViKn Elite Member

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  17. Msfyt

    Msfyt Elite Member

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    lol...ares the vadim stories are great, i knew someone just like that!!
  18. mindo

    mindo Elite Member

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    i don't think anyone has made a post your stock thread..if so then let me know..this is just a bunch of cans i had laying near i put them together for you people...the rest are out in the shed.

    [Broken External Image]:
  19. Tony

    Tony Elite Member

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    i have one of those big triple x cans. the preasure is so high, almost, to high.
  20. Flow

    Flow Elite Member

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