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Discussion in 'Toys forum' started by Kayone707, Jun 15, 2005.

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  1. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    Tasty, I'm not too sure about the way your bars connect on the blue and white piece, and I also think that there is too much negative space, try making some bars thicker than others to cut out unnecessary negative space in your piece. This said I am glad you understand bars, they are a big part in developing a unique style.

    Ribcage, what can I say, that popeye character is dope.
  2. Usoma13

    Usoma13 New Member

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    @ribcage what do you mean?
  3. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh I mean connect your bars smoother, and keep the width/ wideness of your bars an equal length so bars look proportionate nahmean?
  4. Shroomsh

    Shroomsh Senior Member

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    part one of a project im working on.. gonna fill an a3 page with piece outlines then hopefully colour them.. this project was inspired by the fact that i only have one A3 page of bleed proof paper left :)

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  5. centrysam

    centrysam Senior Member

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  6. extinct

    extinct Senior Member

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    that first throwie on the top left humr is dope... especially the R
  7. Afroman

    Afroman New Member

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  8. Juse

    Juse Member

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    looks good. your headin in the right place!
  9. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    A couple of really old ones from a 2008. I know theres some real whack toy-like extensions on some of them, but i'm just looking for crits on the style of lettering more than anything. Also, it reads 'MONK'

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    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  10. pointman

    pointman Senior Member

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    Skope- being a uk head myself too I think the styles are pretty wicked.Loving the second sketch and the third would be nice if you did it again with less extensions like you were saying. Got any pics of painted pieces??
  11. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    Thanks dude. Nah I dont have any pics of painted pieces on this computer sorry.. Whereabouts in southwest are you from?
  12. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ...seems weird that the date says 2011 then /08, nobody cares when its from anyways. It could be 5 years ago it could be today, its still not very good. Like you said there is a ton of wack extensions, so how can we crit on structure if its all based off of wack extensions. The thing that bothers me the most on those 1's is bar width -cheers
  13. Skope2

    Skope2 Senior Member

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    In england we write the date differently. 20/11/08 means 20th november 2008.
  14. Dcicfhbimv

    Dcicfhbimv Senior Member

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    Skope and shroomish im digging what you've been posting
  15. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    ooooooooooo lol my B then, i was just punking you anyways....

    posting this just because i like the way i started it, so ima honor this freestyle by making it a full color page. And like all my other ones i post the outline after i decide ima ink it all so here it is.
    View attachment 605722
    did a rough sketch of something similar a while back for the round robin but I never finished it and then destroyed it. Im gonna fill this in w/ green and shit so everything will look more proportionate, like size of A, Middle sections of B, and middle bar of S.... It aint really in a position to be critted, but if yall want to, be my guest
  16. Tempo718

    Tempo718 Elite Member

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    @tasty- your work is so much better with added color, I understand its time consuming though. when you color again do something more with that 3d.
    @shroomsh- looking forward to see the outcome of that
    @cent- dope fills
    @skope- never saw that style before. not bad
    @rib- I like the way that got started as well.
    nothin special, this was a presumed exchange with bloodywarfare.
  17. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    yo you should invest in some new pens, looks like ur using a micro tip to fill in your 3d... super time consuming

    anyways structural crits before I oultine and detail this? boutta be cool off it for an hour or so and eat and shit
    View attachment 605741
    inside lines are purely expiremental, might keep some though, they will vanish after i put on the 2nd and 3rd layers of green
  18. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    im not feeling those lines on the inside. I wanna see this when your done colorin.
    and on structure the only thing i would point out is the top of the B looks weird.

    this is for the piece battle, get me some crits? if you can see it..
    sorry for the bad picture, cellphones arent the best camera.
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  19. ribcage

    ribcage Banned

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    the character is dope, his chin is a little weird, but the rest is great. I always find it hard to draw a humans feet from that angle.

    Your P's vertical bar is slightly curved, and same with the L's. and the U is the only letter that has something overlapping it. So if your gonna keep those letters i'd make each one over lap each other the only one not being overlapped by another letter is the A ya digg? so the A would be there, and then put the dash overlapping the A and the P and the P overlapping part of the L and so on. Itd prolly make it look better...

    But ultimately on a different page i suggest keep the same base but add a little more structural flavor, ya feel me? Like not extensions and shit, just play with the curves of a letter like you'd play with the curves of a woman. Break away from keyboard letters while still maintaining the idea of how they look in your head
  20. dankbudz

    dankbudz Elite Member

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    haha i like that analogy, ill try it out.

    and yeah drawing feet can be a bitch, im not too great at them myself. ill post up another picture in a little bit